
Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey dudes :kickass:

I own the new Evergrey "Glorious Collision" since the release and I try to get friend with...not really easy for me :( "In Search of truth" and "The Inner Circle" is in my personal top 10 of albums ever created. I tryed to find out why the new records aren´t as great as the albums I mentioned..(imo). When you listen to "The Inner Circle" you will notice the PASSION in Tom Englund´s vocal performance. He fucking gave 110 % if not 120% performance!! The song ideas and structures showed a lot more courage back then. I was drawn right into the atmosphere!! I don´t feel anything when I listen to the new record. Okay "The Phantom letters" is a great song. There are still good and solid songs on that tune, but...something is missing! Not to mention the guitar sound :(

What is your overall impression about the new Evergrey record?
Been listening to Recreation Day and Inner Circle all day. Kinda scared to check out the new one. From the clips that I've heard the guitar tone was pretty bad and I didn't really like the snare, it's a Dan Swanö mix too. Didn't notice anything odd about Tom's vocals he still sounded great but yeah I need to check out the whole album to see what you mean.
It took around 5 listens of the album to appreciate it.
Now it's totally grown on me and I like every song of the album.:worship:

This album requires more time than previous albums!:loco:
This album has just kind of slipped by me. I followed Torn almost daily but this one seems to have come about out of the blue :lol: So I can't really pass judgement as I haven't heard more than 5 seconds of it.

I found this though!


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Felix - I have the same issue that you have. I received my copy about a week ago and while I've listened to it about 5 or 6 times through, it's just not grabbing me the way an album like "Recreation Day" or "In Search of Truth" did. While there are some "good" songs, so far none of them are what I would call "memorable". Another way of looking at it is that I keep a "Best of" playlist on my mp3 player for most artists with multiple releases, and of course I have one for Evergrey. Well so far nothing from this disc has worked it's way onto my list of 15 - 20 songs I would not get bored with and just skip over to get to the good stuff. I hope it grows on me, but generally if by the 4th listening something does not catch my interest enough it's doomed to be just another disc in the pile of forgotten purchases.

Evergrey is one of the bands using synths without sounding like Nintendo metal - the opposite is the case. It sounds so dark! This song here requires some runs, I guess. There is weird fx stuff going on, but this is my fave. Although it´s hard to take out one song as an example, "The inner circle" is a concept album & it really deserves all praise. It´s a masterpiece! :)
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I got the pre-release special edition, complete with t-shirt and all. Nice package, but the music itself is a little disappointing. There are great moments there, though, pretty much what Jind said there ^.
Don't like the mix that much.
Felix - I have the same issue that you have. I received my copy about a week ago and while I've listened to it about 5 or 6 times through, it's just not grabbing me the way an album like "Recreation Day" or "In Search of Truth" did. While there are some "good" songs, so far none of them are what I would call "memorable". Another way of looking at it is that I keep a "Best of" playlist on my mp3 player for most artists with multiple releases, and of course I have one for Evergrey. Well so far nothing from this disc has worked it's way onto my list of 15 - 20 songs I would not get bored with and just skip over to get to the good stuff. I hope it grows on me, but generally if by the 4th listening something does not catch my interest enough it's doomed to be just another disc in the pile of forgotten purchases.

It seems, they wanna go the safe way. Much songs on the new record have a quite standard structure, without going a more risky, adventurous way. I miss that :( That is what you call "memorable"...what lacks absolutely. Nevertheless I love Evergrey and if they had not set the bar so high, I would appreciate their new record a lot more.

The name of the band rings the bell to me but I haven't listened to them.

Youtubing right now...

@Jevil, do it. It´s worth it :) Tom Englund is such a great singer and the guitar sound on "In search of truth" is one of the finest ever recorded!!

Especially the lead sound :worship:
For me this is the best album since Inner Circle. The album is full of emotion, the songs are quite good. But that Evergrey that we know from albuns like Recreation Day, In Search of Truth is gone. The progressive character, the complex structures, epic keyboards arrangements are no longer there. It´s sad because was those things that made Evergrey unique.
For me this is the best album since Inner Circle. The album is full of emotion, the songs are quite good. But that Evergrey that we know from albuns like Recreation Day, In Search of Truth is gone. The progressive character, the complex structures, epic keyboards arrangements are no longer there. It´s sad because was those things that made Evergrey unique.
For me this is the best album since Inner Circle. The album is full of emotion, the songs are quite good. But that Evergrey that we know from albuns like Recreation Day, In Search of Truth is gone. The progressive character, the complex structures, epic keyboards arrangements are no longer there. It´s sad because was those things that made Evergrey unique.

I agree with you in certain points, Nuno. I´ll give the album some more time to unfold. Maybe it´ll catch me at some time. It´s hard getting used to the guitar sound. It´s like there´s lacking some important presence...the rythm sound is so noisy. I don´t like the mix. It reminds me of Arch Enemy´s Rise of the Tyrant.
I seriously don't get why people are jumpin on this production since it came out. All I've heard is negatives so I was expecting something awful, but to me it sounds fuckin awesome? It just sounds like a natural progression from Torn. It's really airy, lots of space and big frequency separation, so maybe it's not as "tight" as other Evergrey releases but man, their sound is changing so their production should change with it. I personally think it sounds huge!
I seriously don't get why people are jumpin on this production since it came out. All I've heard is negatives so I was expecting something awful, but to me it sounds fuckin awesome? It just sounds like a natural progression from Torn. It's really airy, lots of space and big frequency separation, so maybe it's not as "tight" as other Evergrey releases but man, their sound is changing so their production should change with it. I personally think it sounds huge!

There are elements I like about the production, the drums sounds very natural and powerful at the same time. I like the synths and how the bass is working with the drums. The only thing I don´t like is the rythm guitar sound, but that´s so important for the overall impression. Under the line it´s a matter of personal preference anyway.
I'm not gunna lie, I like this album, the production sucks the big cock compared to earlier albums, but the overall product is awesome. I DO NOT like it more then Torn though it's not as dark. My Favorite album by far is The Inner Circle, but how can you beat something like that. UBEr Epic.
ISoT has been one of my all-time top-10 albums for years, and I love Recreation Day too (though not as much), but I didn't realize The Inner Circle was that well-regarded as well - guess I'll have to pick it up next paycheck!