Every now and then an unknown comes along and KICKS my ass...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Nation Beyond- The Aftermath Odyssey

They bill themselves as "gothic/progressive" metal. That's a damn good description. The album is sooooo damn dark and brooding yet horribly beautiful. It's a concept album about love & betrayal in a nuclear holocaust. It falls along the atmosphere of Mindcrime/Dead Winter Dead/Dreaming Neon Black. It's melodic & chunky, orchestrated, and has some great backing/duet female vocals. The main vocals are excellent as they fall into the rich mid-range style that is missing from a lot of bands today.

Their myspace page has two songs on them and while they kick ass, they are not the best nor are they the heaviest tracks on the album. However, "Soulmates" sounds like a Tom & Carina-Evergrey power ballad big time. "Aftermath" is my favorite overall cut as it is Angel Dust crunchy. That's fucking right..Angel Dust crunchy.

They hit my target list for 2009 with a bullet.

Thanks to the Ken for sending it my way.

Buy or Die.


"Aftermath" is my favorite as it is Angel Dust crunchy. That's fucking right..Angel Dust crunchy.

That got my attention!

These two songs are pretty nice, but maybe you can talk them into putting up a few others from the CD. "New Eden City" is a pretty cool song, and "Soulmates" is nice too. One thing I can say about them that I don't get to say very often, I like the vocalists.. both of them!

Cool logo too.. I wouldn't mind a shirt with that! :lol: Good design on the myspace and website. I'm surprised they don't more friends; this is a good find!
...it also helps that the lead singer looks like a long-lost Harveston brother. ;)

heh heh - checking it out now... Sounds good right out of the gate. I definitely like the flowing crunchiness of New Eden City. That singer is reminding me at times of Khan and at other times of Englund.

*thumbs up*
Love it!!!!! They have been a friend of mine on myspace for a few weeks, so where can we get the album????? This is a must buy for Christmas.
Nation Beyond- The Aftermath Odyssey

They bill themselves as "gothic/progressive" metal. That's a damn good description. The album is sooooo damn dark and brooding yet horribly beautiful. It's a concept album about love & betrayal in a nuclear holocaust. It falls along the atmosphere of Mindcrime/Dead Winter Dead/Dreaming Neon Black. It's melodic & chunky, orchestrated, and has some great backing/duet female vocals. The main vocals are excellent as they fall into the rich mid-range style that is missing from a lot of bands today.

Their myspace page has two songs on them and while they kick ass, they are not the best nor are they the heaviest tracks on the album. However, "Soulmates" sounds like a Tom & Carina-Evergrey power ballad big time. "Aftermath" is my favorite overall cut as it is Angel Dust crunchy. That's fucking right..Angel Dust crunchy.

They hit my target list for 2009 with a bullet.

Thanks to the Ken for sending it my way.

Buy or Die.



Sounds like my style. Will check them out for sure! Thanx, I'm always looking out for new bands to check
out, well, even if they are just new to me that is!
I'm listening right now!!! Maybe when EverGrey headlines the states,-(hopefully next year?!)-they can have this band open?? That would ROCK!:headbang:
I WILL BE GETTING THIS, thanks Glenn for the heads up. The last time you spoke so highly of a band it was Raintime and I LOVE them.
I look forward to hearing more. Not totally set on them yet. The vocals are interesting, the rhythm is less so, but you said they have better songs so I'll check this out.

The vocals are interesting, the rhythm is less so, but you said they have better songs so I'll check this out.

Unfortunately, the disc is more about atmosphere than anything else. Since it's a concept disc, it's hard to get that from two songs on a My Space page. If atmosphere is not that important to you or it doesn't really enhance your enjoyment of the music, then you may not dig the rest of the disc as the focus is not on the rythms or leads.
They bill themselves as "gothic/progressive" metal. That's a damn good description. The album is sooooo damn dark and brooding yet horribly beautiful. It's a concept album about love & betrayal in a nuclear holocaust. It falls along the atmosphere of Mindcrime/Dead Winter Dead/Dreaming Neon Black. It's melodic & chunky, orchestrated, and has some great backing/duet female vocals. The main vocals are excellent as they fall into the rich mid-range style that is missing from a lot of bands today.

To me the disc sounds like Wasp around "Crimson Idol" mixed with some Black Symphony quirkiness and Beyond Twilight orchestrations.

Their myspace page has two songs on them and while they kick ass, they are not the best nor are they the heaviest tracks on the album. However, "Soulmates" sounds like a Tom & Carina-Evergrey power ballad big time. "Aftermath" is my favorite overall cut as it is Angel Dust crunchy. That's fucking right..Angel Dust crunchy.

The only problem with it is that the female vocalist sings off-key in most of her leads, and her harmonies are downright bad. Luckily it's the male singer that does the most part of the disc.

Definitely a very strong album - thanks for letting us all know about them!
