Some of my Standouts from 2004 and a few from 03'


Dec 18, 2004
Here is a list of some of my standouts of 2004 and a few from 2003 that I feel deserve a mention. I will not attempt to review these titles as I am not really good at that kind of thing. I would welcome any of your reviews and or feedback about any of these titles. I also would look forward to any suggestions that anyone may have for bands that fall in this same vain.

Nocturnal Rites / New World Messiah - Solid from bell to bell
Ayreon/ The Human Equation - WOW! Amazing ! A must have!
Angra / Temple of Shadows - Angra did it again.
John Arch / Twist of Fate - arch/matheos/portnoy/vera-need I say more.
Heavenly / Dust to Dust - Super concept album.
Kamelot/ Epica - They just get better and better.
Labyrinth / ST - overal solid album.
Primal Fear / Devil's Ground - this band sound more like JP than JP does. Fun!
Pagans Mind / Celestial Entrance - What a suprise!
Rhapsody/ symph of ench lands 2 - Rhapsody produced by Joey DeMaio?WOW
Royal Hunt / Eye Witness - John West is an amazing talent.
within temptations / the silent force - Stunning!
Symphony x / The Odyssey - The most concistant band out.
Cool, I need to look into alot of that stuff. Of all the albums you mentioned I only own the Nocturnal Rites, Kamelot, Primal Fear, Rhapsody, and Symphony X. I am interested in all of them however. I just recently got in Pagan's Mind by picking up their re-released Infinity Divine and it blew me away so Celestial Entrance is high on my priority list. I love Royal Hunt so I must get Eye Witness. Angra will be released here in America in another week with a bonus DVD so ill be getting that. John Arch, Heavenly, and Labyrinth I definetly need to get up on.
Yeah, I agree with Fatesfan on most of those with a few exceptions here and there. The following are my addtions:

1. Iced Earth (The Glorious Burden) A killer album with Ripper Owens showing off his monster vocals
2. Magnitude 9 (Decoding the Soul) - Back for the Attack era Dokken on steroids baby!
3. Nightwish (Once) - A step in the right direction musically, but it's time for the band to allow Tara to write some!
4. Balance of Power (Heathen Machine) - This is for those of you that wish Queensryche's last three studio albums hadn't sucked!
5. Fates Warning (X) - Fatesfan, where are you at on this one? I think we'd both agree that this is no disappointment! ;-)
edgeofthorns said:
Yeah, I agree with Fatesfan on most of those with a few exceptions here and there. The following are my addtions:

1. Iced Earth (The Glorious Burden) A killer album with Ripper Owens showing off his monster vocals
2. Magnitude 9 (Decoding the Soul) - Back for the Attack era Dokken on steroids baby!
3. Nightwish (Once) - A step in the right direction musically, but it's time for the band to allow Tara to write some!
4. Balance of Power (Heathen Machine) - This is for those of you that wish Queensryche's last three studio albums hadn't sucked!
5. Fates Warning (X) - Fatesfan, where are you at on this one? I think we'd both agree that this is no disappointment! ;-)
I also need to check out everything on this list with the exception of Iced Earth and Nightwish as I own those albums and they own me. Planet Hell on Once drives me into a headbanging frenzy everytime as soon as it kicks in.
Thor Intrepid said:
Iron Savior - Battering Ram, Been listening to this one a lot lately
Nightwish's Once is really good too.
Wow, I forgot that Iron Savior album. Another 2004 release that went completely over my head. I need to hop on that one too.

1. SHADOWSFALL :worship:
2. LAMB OF GOD :worship:

FatesFan said:
Here is a list of some of my standouts of 2004 and a few from 2003 that I feel deserve a mention. I will not attempt to review these titles as I am not really good at that kind of thing. I would welcome any of your reviews and or feedback about any of these titles. I also would look forward to any suggestions that anyone may have for bands that fall in this same vain.

Nocturnal Rites / New World Messiah - Solid from bell to bell
Ayreon/ The Human Equation - WOW! Amazing ! A must have!
Angra / Temple of Shadows - Angra did it again.
John Arch / Twist of Fate - arch/matheos/portnoy/vera-need I say more.
Heavenly / Dust to Dust - Super concept album.
Kamelot/ Epica - They just get better and better.
Labyrinth / ST - overal solid album.
Primal Fear / Devil's Ground - this band sound more like JP than JP does. Fun!
Pagans Mind / Celestial Entrance - What a suprise!
Rhapsody/ symph of ench lands 2 - Rhapsody produced by Joey DeMaio?WOW
Royal Hunt / Eye Witness - John West is an amazing talent.
within temptations / the silent force - Stunning!
Symphony x / The Odyssey - The most concistant band out.

Wow...I forgot a few.

Dionysus / Anima Mundi - Olaf Hayer is the man. Great band.
Jag Panzer / Casting the Stone - Whats not to like about Jag Panzer.
Fates Warning / X - It's Fates...could be Zonders swan song :erk:
Ayreon's The Human Equation is my #1 pick for 2004.....of course that's a bit unfair, since it's two discs' worth of joy. :D

I think Orphaned Land's Mabool is settling in at #2. Pretty good for a CD I had not even heard two months ago. :rock: