My take on the best of 2011


Mar 1, 2004
After reading through Glenns top 50 and soaking it all in, I went through all of my purchases in 2011 and compiled my own list.
Here it is;

1. Vain – Enough Rope; Wow! Is it still 1988? This cd is so brilliant! Davy Vain and the boys recapture all of the things that made Vain great back 20 years ago.
2. Arch/Matheos - Sympathetic Resonance; Why Mr Matheos did not write something like this for Fates Warning is beyond me. The fact that he used this for John Arch is a stroke of genius! Awesome!!!
3. Cynthesis – De Evolution; Ok, its not “Towers of Avarice”, but at least its not “A Fragile Mind” either. The return of Rosvold is enough to give this one repeated listens, and I find myself thinking…hmmm, its not too shabby after all!
4. The Answer – Revival; The old bluesy ballsy rock n roll will always catch my ear. The singer just brings it all home…A must have!
5. For All We Know – For All We Know; I was not overwhelmed by this disc, but it has held my attention for more than a few months, and that makes it a sneaky top 10 pick
6. Haken – Visions; The progressive disc of the year if Arch/Matheos would not have burned itself into my DNA.
7. Ralf Scheepers – Scheepers; Crushing solo disc from a Metal God! Classic!
8. Amaranthe – Amaranthe; Whatever Glenn calls it, its fucking good! Catchy! Its also a must have
9. Eumeria – Rebel Mind; I posted the first song I heard from this band on my facebook page long before the disc came out, and that’s a feat in itself! Not as classic as that 1st song, but still was worth making a iTunes purchase, which was my 1st ever digital download. For the virgin factor alone it enters top 10!
10. Serenity – Death & Legacy; This was another surprise for me. I expected something listenable, but it grew on me like mold in a damp basement, and it still lingers there
11. Opeth – Heritage; I love the vintage sounds coming from this disc! Not your old classic Opeth, but its still better than most everything out there.
12. Hatriot – demo; Very strong demo for the former voice of Exodus. If you haven’t heard it and you like old school thrash, search it down
13. Mystic Prophecy – Ravenlord; Killer! ‘Nuff said.
14. Rival Sons – Pressure and Time; Another cd good enough for me to buy on iTunes and that’s a rarity! More bluesy 70’s rock with a modern twinge
15. Steel Panther – Balls Out; Not as good as the debut, but the vocals alone make this worth it! Absolute good time glam metal!
16. Black Label Society – The Song Remains Not the Same; Zakk brings his best to the table for the 1st time since “Book of Shadows” Very impressive comeback after so many mediocre discs
17. Pagans Mind – Heavenly Ecstasy; I want to like this more than I do, but since their debut at ProgpowerUSA which absolutely stole my breath, this band just keeps coming up a little short
18. Havok – Time is Up; Thrash at its best!
19. Dream Theater – A Dramatic Turn of Events; It’s a step in the right direction. I just haven’t been able to give it the time it deserves yet
20. Redemption – This Mortal Coil; Heavier than I like from this band, and Rays voice is starting to sound a little worn from years of excess. It still belongs in the top 5 prog releases.
21. Lost in Thought – Opus Arrive; Strong progressive debut
22. Lance King – A Moment in Chiros; Classic Lance…very strong solo disc
23. Malison Rogue- Malison Rogue; Held my interest for at least a part of the year. Nice power metal debut!
24. Bloodbound – Unholy Cross; Nice return to form
25. Iced Earth – Dystopia; I was very impressed with Stu’s vocals! I’m questioning whether Jon used Matthew for background vocals, which lowered the grade because I want to hear Stu and only Stu if he is to replace Barlow
Here's my list, which I also posted on Facebook. Lots of awesome metal this year! :rock:

1.) Arch/Matheos - Sympathetic Resonance & Voyager – The Meaning of I -I know, technically this makes 26 and I'm cheating, but I honestly can't choose between these two amazing albums as my #1. Having Arch back with Matheos and Aresti is like a dream come true..add in Bobby Jarzombek on drums and you have progressive metal heaven.

As for Voyager, call me biased because they are my friends, but Honey Badger don't give a shit! The Meaning of I is the catchiest, progressive, melodic, and most of all...FUN album of the year!

2.) Pagan’s Mind – Heavenly Ecstasy- A killer follow up to God's Equation. The Pagan's Mind boys have focused a little less on prog and a little more on melody and song structure with fantastic results.

3.) Evergrey- Glorious Collision - A fantastic return to prog form for Evergrey after two so-so albums. I guess a line up change was desperately needed because Evergrey hasn't sounded this good in years!


4.) Eumeria - Rebel Mind - The best prog debut of the year hands down, probably the best progressive metal album since Dream Theater's Awake.

5.) Anubis Gate - with new lead vocalist/bass player Henrik Fevre (replacing former singer Jacob Hansen, who has stayed on to produce the album), Anubis Gate have crafted a winner filled with melody, crunch, and huge choruses. The biggest surprise is Fevre’s vocals, which are melodic and show great range and emotional depth.

6.) Lance King – A Moment in Chiros - Featuring an all star cast of players. King’s vocals have never sounded better here. Every song has an incredible sense of melody in the vocals and a backdrop of heavy and powerful riffs.

7.) Riot – Immortal Soul - Metal Comeback of the Year! The Thundersteel line up is back and sound better than ever!!

8.) Amaranthe - Another great debut album featuring the vocals talents of Elize Reid, Jake E. and Andreas Solvestrom. The album is melodic, energetic, heavy, poppy, modern, and catchy as hell!


9.) Wolverine- Communication Lost - Wolverine is a new band for me thanks to Glenn, but I can't get enough of Communication Lost. It's songs are full of angst and melancholy. The melodies are both sad and beautiful and the vocals are heart-wrenching. It might have made it higher if I had discovered this album sooner!

10.) Nightwish – Imaginaerum - After the departure of Tarja and the so-so vocals on Dark Passion Play, I never thought I would care about Nightwish again. Annette's voice sounds amazing on this album. You can tell the songs were written specifically for her voice and she does an amazing job! "Slow Love Slow" is just incredible and shows the versatility of the band

11.) Enbound – And She Says Gold - Another debut album and an amazing mix of melodic power metal done extremely well. Perfect band for ProgPower!

12.) Myrath – Tales of the Sands - Prog Metal from Tunisa. This is extremely well done as the band incorporate their heritage into the songs using percussion instruments and oriental rhythms and scales for a sound all their own.


13.) Symphony X-Iconoclast - The new album picks up where Paradise Lost left off. Less prog and heavier riffs and aggressive yet melodic vocals from the always impressive Russell Allen!

14.) Dream Theater – A Dramatic Turn of Events - Haters can say all they want about how DT lost it, but I enjoyed this album. It's the best thing they've done since Scenes from a Memory in my opinion. New drummer Mike Mangini fits in the band like a glove!


15.) Lost In Thought- Opus Arise: ProgMetal from the U.K.very well done and full of melody. Dream Theater fans will appreciate this album!

16.) Malison Rogue - When I first heard "Friend or Foe" I thought to myself, THIS is what Queensryche SHOULD be doing right now! Excellent power metal band for fans of Ryche, Maiden, and Fates Warning!

17.) Innosense - Outcast - Let the Roy Khan comparisons begin. The lead vocalist for this Greek metal band, Vasilis Georgiou has an amazing voice and the band sounds like if Conception never broke up!


18.) Eldritch- Gaia’s Legacy - A return to form for the Italian progsters. Great cover of Through Different Eyes from Fates Warning!

19.) Trillium- Alloy - Amanda Somerville has FINALLY released her first Metal project. For fans of After Forever, since Sanders Gomman co-wrote the songs for the album, this should not come as a surprise! Amanda sounds incredible and there is a great duet with Jorn Lande that is worth the price of the album alone!

20.) Borealis – Fall From Grace - the second album from the Canadian metallers is a HUGE leap forward. Filled with power and melody, and lots of hooks!

21.) Andromeda – Manifest Tyranny - Progressive metal band Andromeda returns on a new label (Inner Wound) and a great heavy, politically charged lyrics and lots of progressive elements.

22.) Divine Ascension – As The Truth Appears - Another debut album, this time from Australia. Not your run of the mill Female fronted Symphonic Metal band. Jennifer Borg's voice is powerful without being overbearing and the songs are heavy power metal without being cheesy.

23.) Haken - Visions - An incredible follow up to their debut album. Visions is more grand in scope than Aquarius and has a more epic feel. Amazing band continues to impress!

24.) Leprous- Bilateral - I know this album is at the top of many of my friends best of lists, and while I love it, I just didn't give it as much listens as I should have. But it is an incredible avante gard oddball gem!

25.) Vangough – Kingdom of Ruin - Another album that I wish I had spent more time with. Great quirky progressive metal band. The album is an adventurous listen, but I was extremely impressed! Not everyone can write an album based on the novel "Watership Down"!

Honorable Mentions (albums that were great that didn't make the top list for one reason or another):

Serenity- Death & Legacy

Royal Hunt - Show Me How to Live

Artizan - Curse of the Artizan

Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints

Theocracy - As The World Bleeds

Toby Hitchcock - Mercury's Down

Iced Earth - Dystopia

Redemption- This Mortal Coil
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Out of all these there was only one I personally consider worth mentioning. Only one that made me pay attention. (If you know me this is hardly a surprise as I like almost nothing.) Leprous. I have to check out this album.
I'll play. My top 20 for 2011.

20. Textures - Dualism
19. Unexpect - Fables of the Sleepless Empire
18. Borealis - Fall From Grace
17. Serenity - Death & Legacy
16. Voyager - The Meaning of I
15. Sun Caged - The Lotus Effect
14. Amaranthe - Amaranthe
13. Anubis Gate - Anubis Gate
12. Mayan - Quarterpast
11. Leprous - Bilateral
10. Haken - Visions
09. White Widdow - Serenade
08. Dreamcatcher - Soul Design
07. TesseracT - One
06. Symphony X - Iconoclast
05. Steel Panther - Balls Out
04. Evergrey - Glorious Collision
03. Opeth - Heritage
02. Work of Art - In Progress
01. The Magnificent - The Magnificent
Did Dragonland's Under the Grey Banner make it on to anyone's list? I see a lot of Amaranthe around here and mostly all the members of Amaranthe are feature on the new Dragonland. It's also the most heroic power metal album I've ever heard.
It's also the most glorious power metal album I've ever heard.

Haken's Visions is up there for me, with the Symphony X and Iced Earth........ The new Vangough is better and better with each listen. Well done boys, I hope this one does well for them.