Everyone attending Powerfest, please read....

Aug 28, 2007
Sentinel Steel will be a vendor at this year's Powerfest and I am really looking forward to it!

Unfortunately there is no way to bring our entire CD inventory -- will be lucky to bring 10%-15% of what we have in stock.

We have one of the largest metal inventories in North America, from hard rock to black metal (though power/true metal is our specialty), all at low prices. I think we also have the world's largest selection of used metal and bargain metal titles but I'll let you decide on that claim. :)

If you plan to buy CDs at Powerfest this year, please browse the Sentinel Steel site and let me know what interests you. Feel free to make advance reservations and I will hold your order for pick-up at the fest. You can pay at the fest (cash only please) or Paypal (including credit cards) in advance.

The cutoff to reserve stuff will be Sunday the 27th, but try to reply as soon as you can for best fill.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me anytime.

So this will be my 20th Iced Earth concert, after spending 10 years running their website, which I came to do after my brother turned me on to the band, which he found out about when he read a big interview with Jon Schaffer around the 'Burnt Offerings' time, which was conducted by Denis Gulbey and printed in Sentinel Steel 13 years ago. Cool!

Test of Wills = email replies coming up -- sorry for the slight delay. Added a thousand CDs (mostly used metal CDs) and added a search function yesterday.

Jasonic = yes, Pagan Altar in stock, will be happy to bring to the Chicago Powerfest. It's cool titles like those that get "lost" when I try to decide what to bring to a show headlined by Iced Earth and Testament. A lot of stuff will be left behind.

Pate = the Pagan Altars were previously listed under P when I had the A to Z list; nearing the end of a site revamp, so some titles are temporarily unlisted. But the Pagan Altar titles (3 of them, have about 10 units each in stock) are in stock @ $11.88 each. Will check for your email and reply shortly.

Neil = thanks for the Iced Earth memory! Makes me want to start publishing again....but these days it is much easier to find out about new bands online....

Diabolik = thanks for the Pate assist, but the A - Z list was taken offline just recently. Have sorted the Main CD catalog by label name now, which will enable me to make faster updates. A search function has been added to locate specific bands and titles. A handful of bands and titles (Pagan Altar, the Trouble 2CD reissues, the Sabbat reissues, etc.) are temporarily unlisted but in stock. 90% of the Main CD catalog is active and listed. I hope to finish the revamp by this weekend.

General message to all = if you plan to be at the fest all day Saturday, are a non-smoker (i.e. able to stay indoors a lot), non-drinker (always alert) and are a regular (or semi regular) customer of mine, or are known to me in some other capacity, and would like something to do at the fest, which would result in hefty CD discounts, please email me. :)

-- Denis
Sent my order, got my confirmation e-mail. 9 days away and I'm already 17 CDs up! Last year I came home from the powerfest trip with about 58 new CDs (including trips to Earwax in WI, Impulse, Haven, Rolling Stones, etc. This year, I'm looking to break 70!
So this will be my 20th Iced Earth concert, after spending 10 years running their website, which I came to do after my brother turned me on to the band, which he found out about when he read a big interview with Jon Schaffer around the 'Burnt Offerings' time, which was conducted by Denis Gulbey and printed in Sentinel Steel 13 years ago. Cool!


you were the WM of icedearth.com? cool.
Wow, well, that's 3 more CDs than you have purchased in the last 3 years!

I haven't had a lot of time to search the site, but have my eyes on 2 CDs currently......
Wow, EARWAX is still in business?
Thought they went under years ago.
Maybe I am thinking of another store.

My cousin and I fly in to Milwaukee on Thursday and hit the Earwax there and the one in Madison. Both are still open and both still have pretty bad ass selection. We also hit some used stores in Madison and a couple of cool stores in Milwaukee. We live in Atlanta and there is SHIT for CD stores so this trip is like Mecca for us every year.
My cousin and I fly in to Milwaukee on Thursday and hit the Earwax there and the one in Madison. Both are still open and both still have pretty bad ass selection. We also hit some used stores in Madison and a couple of cool stores in Milwaukee. We live in Atlanta and there is SHIT for CD stores so this trip is like Mecca for us every year.

Isn't Milwaukee quite a distance from Madison???
Maybe it isn't. I have never been good at geography.
Though, Milwaukee is like one to two hours due north of the city, where Madison is roughly two to three hours due West of the city, no?

Anyhow, always glad to hear there are people like yourself who appreciate hunting for CDs!!! :headbang: