Everyone still loving Waves CLA?


Mar 21, 2010
New York
Or is there some new hotness out there? I really love the Opto mode in Waves R Comp (the only decent comp I own at present), and I assume it's based on an LA-2A; any other native VST plugs model it better? (or cheaper :erk: )

EDIT: Shit, should be in Equipment section, damn phone browsing
I like it. Use it on every project. But i still wish that some company would release a version that can model the attack properly. They got the vibe kind of right about 90% there but once again its all about the attack, that is where the HW rules. I enjoy the La3a and the La2a on occasions to.
I'm nowhere near a professional of the caliber of most guys here but I still think it's pretty good. I can't honestly beat a blindtest between CLA and competitors or an hardware unit (in good conditions maybe I can but I'm not trained enough otherwise) so it's good enough for me.
I've seen it used in a lot of youtube tutorials, but I think my knowledge of compression in general isn't suited for something of this price tag. Fucking golden super compressor.
To my ears they sound pretty good though not quite like the hardware (but I've also used 1176's that sound as disimilar from each other). I will say that I use the ren comp on every session still. It's an oldy but a gooy.
I honestly think the time saved not printing tracks and just using the CLA76 stuff makes it preferable to hardware, for my workflow at least.

Yeah its all about the workflow. I usually print the lead vocals with my HW 1176 but its boring and time consuming as hell. That's why i would love for someone to release a version that can nail the HW so i can sell that bastard haha
Yeah its all about the workflow. I usually print the lead vocals with my HW 1176 but its boring and time consuming as hell. That's why i would love for someone to release a version that can nail the HW so i can sell that bastard haha

This is why I want to buy hardware for bus duties, that way it don't need to print! That being said, the distressor isn't moving from harsh vocals. Ever.
how does that UAD card work? Does it take the load off your computer when using the plugins for it?
It's still good. Not as good as hardware at doing massive gain reduction, which becomes pretty noticeable when you pin BV tracks by 20dB with the LA-2. Can't have it all though. Not yet anyway.

I still have an old shoot-out uploaded where I compared my Rev A and D clones to the CLA-76 Bluey and Blacky. Vox and bass respectively.

what are you guys favorite 1176 compressor plugins? Any good cheaper ones out there. I've tried the softtube FET compressor and like it a lot but it's expensive.