Everyone still loving Waves CLA?

what are you guys favorite 1176 compressor plugins? Any good cheaper ones out there. I've tried the softtube FET compressor and like it a lot but it's expensive.

The Rocket. I think it's intended to be an 1176-style compressor rather than an exact emulation, but it's pretty much there, and you can demo it indefinitely if I remember correctly. Otherwise the Native Instruments / Softube one is $60 right now.
are you talking about the softube FET compressor that is 60 bucks now or the native instruments one? Which one from native instruments is that price? Also, I just tried the stillwell Rocket compressor and really like it. I can't imagine any other one being better at that price. How do you think it compares to the waves ones?

^ the $60 one. It's a better deal to get the full on 3-pack though: http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/effects/vintage-compressors/

As far as a comparison with Waves goes, I don't own any of the CLA stuff, but I demoed it a while back. I recall getting a better "smash it with fast release" vibe out of The Rocket. Plus the impetus knob is pretty cool, too. The NI one sounds pretty good from what I've heard so far, but I'd need to play around with it to learn the intricacies of its attack and what not. I think there's a demo of that as well?
It's still good. Not as good as hardware at doing massive gain reduction, which becomes pretty noticeable when you pin BV tracks by 20dB with the LA-2.

Yeah I agree, this is the inherent flaw with most ITB comps. I find they are great for small lifting, but as soon as you're trying to bury the needle, things get cloudy.

I still use the 1176 on bass and a few other things, and the LA-2a sometimes, but generally I use r-comp or H-comp alot more for most of my compression.

Great plugs though.
The Rocket is really worth a try yeah, I tend to use it more with a "preset" philosophy, because it has different flavours, comes with tons of presets, and a lot of them get you in the ballpark immediately, for some reason. Then tweak to preference. It's a very nice little vst comp.
well that's good to hear because I don't want to pay 200 bucks or more for a software compressor when I have plenty of other things I need to buy.