Everyone, who from Russia, write here!

hum.. nedumayu
tut da yest' CoBHC247 on iz U.S.
tut yest' ya, iz polnava ge
i vso ya dumayu :(
ah yeah, just remembered....you russians just launched my fellow countryman in the space last night :notworthy

My country's so teh rawk that we can't even launch our own rockets :lol:

those too :p

But they have their spelling adjusted, it sucks



^^ not one but two!
you know... just incase you will get drunk and push the red button so you need a spear one for the sober mind times
BloodyScalpel said:
hey alex how would you pronounce the name tomasz?

with russian accent Tomaz
z-the german sound of that later , or indeed how you wrote it the combination of sz it gives that sharp sound that english dont have
Vikk Cavanagh said:
soon i'll be a Lithuanian citizen... can i join too? :cry:
well you have to go thru the coalition (that we dotn have no russians to test your russian skills)
a fuck that.
do you know to drink? do you know how to sign or may be even fuck some body up with nuclear development programs? your in :D
so i went to a pub called "ivanoff" today, which is supposed to be owned by some russky named guy. and while i was there getting my drink on, there was this big tall guy with long mullet hair who really looked russian, for some reason. i came up with the idea to go ask him if he owned the place (which after all he looked like he did), but i never got around to it. one day i will go back and ask him the question that will finally let him sleep at night.
drunk fuck signing off....... done