Everyone's top 5 bands other than Anthrax?


May 13, 2005
Other than Anthrax, what are some of your favorite bands? Pick 5. I already know Pantera is going to be in a lot of yours.

Top all time 5 is really hard so I'm gonna go with my top 5 listened to during the past couple of weeks...

1) DEATH (always)
2) Judas fuckin Priest (always)
3) Deep Purple
4) Anvil
5) Hallows Eve
In no order:

1. Slayer
2. Deicide
3. Cannibal Corpse (Barnes era)
4. Exodus
5. Napalm Death

There's TONS of bands I love though. The list could be totally different tommorow.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
My favourite bands change on a weekly basis but the most played bands from the past week are:

Laaz Rockit

I'm still tryin to pick up some Xentrix vinyl. I've heard mixed feelings about them but I think I'd probably enjoy them.
TraderInDeath said:
I'm still tryin to pick up some Xentrix vinyl. I've heard mixed feelings about them but I think I'd probably enjoy them.

Shattered Existence and For Whose Advantage? are classics!

If you like Testament, Forbidden and MoP -era Metallica then you'll love them. I highly recommend them to anyone who likes that Bay Area sound.

They were never taken to seriously as a Thrash band because they were English though...
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Shattered Existence and For Whose Advantage? are classics!

If you like Testament, Forbidden and MoP -era Metallica then you'll love them. I highly recommend them to anyone who likes that Bay Area sound.

They were never taken to seriously as a Thrash band because they were English though...

I'll have to check it out! I'm always on the lookout for thrash and death metal bands that I haven't heard yet! I'm somewhat familiar with Xentrix, just haven't heard 'em!
strik9 said:
I'll have to check it out! I'm always on the lookout for thrash and death metal bands that I haven't heard yet! I'm somewhat familiar with Xentrix, just haven't heard 'em!

They did a kick ass thrash cover version of the Ghostbusters theme song.
Thanks Disciple and Johnnie! That's why the name rang a bell! I've got a metal mag that has a list of cover songs you wouldn't think thrash bands would cover, and the Ghostbuster's theme by Xentrix was one of 'em! That theme song RULES! I can picture a thrash version kicking all kinds of ass! Thanks for the link as well Disciple!! I'll check it out!
strik9 said:
Thanks Disciple and Johnnie! That's why the name rang a bell! I've got a metal mag that has a list of cover songs you wouldn't think thrash bands would cover, and the Ghostbuster's theme by Xentrix was one of 'em! That theme song RULES! I can picture a thrash version kicking all kinds of ass! Thanks for the link as well Disciple!! I'll check it out!

They also made a video for it.
johnnieCzech said:
They also made a video for it.
No way! That's cool! Was it a good video? Btw Alice In Chains was AWESOME! Definitley in my top 10 fav bands! I was always hoping Layne would overcome his addiction(s) and the band would tour/record. Pretty sad.
AIC just isn't AIC without Layne imo!
strik9 said:
No way! That's cool! Was it a good video? Btw Alice In Chains was AWESOME! Definitley in my top 10 fav bands! I was always hoping Layne would overcome his addiction(s) and the band would tour/record. Pretty sad.
AIC just isn't AIC without Layne imo!

As far as I know, AIC are not around anymore. And yeah, the video was good, though as far as I remember there was nothing much but the band playing...
johnnieCzech said:
They did a kick ass thrash cover version of the Ghostbusters theme song.

5--oh so hard to choose. Definitely:
FAITH NO MORE--probably my top, er, 1
Pantera (not so much anymore, but when I was 19, Jesus, watch out)
Nine Inch Nails
Goddammit I can't do it. Rest of Top 10, not including Anthrax:
Van Halen (Roth era + 5150)
Prince (yep)
Fear Factory
Mr. Bungle
Red Hot Chili...wait, that's 11...fuck this...
johnnieCzech said:
As far as I know, AIC are not around anymore. And yeah, the video was good, though as far as I remember there was nothing much but the band playing...
Really? I thought they were continuing with that dude from Damageplan on vocals? I'm sure they played a show? Musta been a one-off then. My bad.