Everything Dies?


May 2, 2001
Tel-Mond, Israel
I read somewhere that this was the tentative title for My Arms, You Hearse, but then i saw it on several brittish online CD stores (101cd.com for example, i don't purchase in any of those brittish stores as they are very expensive) and i didn't know what to believe. do you have any idea?
You are correct, it was the original title of MAYH, It was even advertised as such in Terrorizer, but the name was changed before it was released.

I think you'll find if you order it, these suppliers will suddenly find they can't stock it. :)

cd101 are a bunch of f*ckwits anyway, I'd recommend sticking to specialist metal retailers.


Everything Dies now reminds me of the Type O Negative song of the same name. I'm rather glad Opeth didn't use that name because upon bringing up Everything Dies, I would instantly remember that they have the same name and not be able to properly enjoy either.
To me, "Everything dies" sounds like "Everything counts... in large amounts" (Depeche Mode). Needless to say I'm happy they changed it, though it took me forever to understand what they meant by "My arms, your hearse"

Hey, didn't In Flames or someone cover that DM song...
Yes, In flames covered everything counts on the album Whoracle.

I think they changed the title cos another band were using it or something similiar, I could be wrong about that though.
