Everything makes me fart


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
:D Seriously, it could be the middle of the night. I'll wake up to drink a little water and bam! Pow! Zap! Kapow! Sploosh! Ooooff! Zok! Sploosh! Cr-r-a-a-c-k!

That's right, even water makes me fart. I wasn't always like this and it seems to be getting worst with age. :bah:

Anyone else suffer from this?
I fart quite a bit. I consider it a gift of nature.:devil: It's always nice to be able to fart on people on command.
Probably bowel cancer. Oh wells.

Having an irritated bowel disease (Cholitis Ulcerosa in my case), I can really appreciate a good fart after a moments discomfort. At least I know it wasn't anything solid(ish) - this time.

Going strong since '99! \o/
I can't remember the last time I farted believe it or not. I just don't fart. I mean I eat pretty well and exercise alot, but I just don't fart. I tell everyone that I fart once a year and that when I do, I have to drive to the most remote, mountainous region of the world so no one knows it.
I fart a lot, all the time, at will. At times, it is awkward when I have clients because I can't go out of the room every 5 minutes. So once in a while it escapes with people nearby...I think this is some kind of genetic thing because my father also farts a lot and both my daughters too lol
I fart a lot, all the time, at will. At times, it is awkward when I have clients because I can't go out of the room every 5 minutes. So once in a while it escapes with people nearby...I think this is some kind of genetic thing because my father also farts a lot and both my daughters too lol


I have to regularly attend meetings for work (office job) and anything that goes for over an hour I know I'm gonna need to head straight for the bathroom aftewards to deflate like a balloon.
I fart a lot and they usually smell pretty rotten. Most likely because BEER and I don't exactly eat what normal people would consider "healthy".....