Everytime I Die Video - A Myth???


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
I've heard there was a video made of the song (not the one on the T,L&S DVD) but there's nowhere to find it, in the net? Anyway if you've seen it, would be glad to know what it's like...
they're playing in a wet garage....then alexi is in a forest blindfolded to a hospital bed...the reaper guy runs around...

its kinda dumb. The guy who plays the reaper looks like a total wuss. He needed to be riding atop a huge black clydesdale horse.
there were 2 small realmedia files.. shows the bands playing,talkings while making the video. but no shows that forest, alexis tied up .etc.
Don't expect too much...IMO its crap...especially the reaper...

BTW To destroy some other myths: There are also videos of 'Deadknight Warrior' and 'Downfall'. They're pretty the same, band playing, and Alexi doing funny stuff with his knife :D
It's total unprecedented bogus...and about the reaper dude....i think it was on SoB that I read that when they wanted to shoot it, the initial reaper got ill or died or something, so I think it was their manager who played the reaper then.