About the release of the new album

TwilightShade said:
I think We're Not Gonna Fall is going to be a continuation on the HCDR theme (We're the Hate Crew/We'll stand and we won't fall)...and what would a bunch of Finnish guys in their mid-20s be doing writing about the concentration camps, exactly? I'm very doubtful that that's what it's going to be about. ^_^

...I completely agree about the waiting, though.

Yeah, well, CoB have used Downfall and Hatecrew Deathroll as their gig finisher songs, and they as well end the albums. We're Not Gonna Fall will be another of those.

I just mean that the song would have this sense of doom and horror if it was based on the consentration camps. You know, trains bringing people to the end of their path.. can't really figure what the song could be about, hopely not just another one that sounds like a whining rebel kid (another like You're Better Off Dead, pretty much, I don't think those are mature songs..) In Your Face could be another of those, but I hope it's rather fist than curse words in your face..
It's crazy btw that only my right speaker gave any voice out as I downloaded it.
And crazy how they can play it on the radio before the release.. a great deal..