EVH 5150iii test drive!

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Go to borrow this amp and I am currently recording the usual youtube clip and shit as always. But I thought I'd share a stereo track of guitars in the meantime.

This amp SLAYS! This is just my RG1527 with dimarzio blaze straight into the amp. No boost or anything. Put on a low pass filter (I'm no Lasse that can do it without some post processing :D )


Go to borrow this amp and I am currently recording the usual youtube clip and shit as always. But I thought I'd share a stereo track of guitars in the meantime.

This amp SLAYS! This is just my RG1527 with dimarzio blaze straight into the amp. No boost or anything. Put on a low pass filter (I'm no Lasse that can do it without some post processing :D )



My god thats a rich sound:headbang:
Yeah sounds sick man, it's quite awesome for just an LP. I have grown a fondness for this amp myself lately too. Lasse's reamps with it were quite epic, and shall be used more in the coming months!

Is this the amp you bought in place of the Recto, or are you just borrowing it?
Yeah sounds sick man, it's quite awesome for just an LP. I have grown a fondness for this amp myself lately too. Lasse's reamps with it were quite epic, and shall be used more in the coming months!

Is this the amp you bought in place of the Recto, or are you just borrowing it?

No this is just borrowed. There will probably be a amp after the rectifier. But I probably don't have to buy it hopefully ;)