sounds cool, but sounds even better with a tubescreamer in front ;p
Actually I tried with my Maxon OD808 in front of it and didn't like it as much as when playing without a OD.
sounds cool, but sounds even better with a tubescreamer in front ;p
lol, sounds ass kicking!!!
could you upload DI files and I reamp them with my SLO100 to compare tones
if you got the DI of course!!
yeah, i love it!
ola, is it the roadster "close back" or "open back" cab?
This amp gets so much good press.....GASSING HARD! No thanks to you Olahehe
FUCK YES!!!! sound's amazing i can't wait to own one of these myself.
This plus your RoadKing clips are 2 of the nicest tones I've ever heard.