Evile - 11/13/10 - Firestone Live


Crippling Self Doubt
Apr 9, 2009
First off, the show was amazing. Now, with that out of the way.... My review. :lol:


My friend and I end up leaving my house at about 5:15 or so, and talk about a bunch of random crap to kill some of the three hour drive we had ahead of us. Stopped at the World's Biggest McDonald's to use the bathroom and holy hell that place is ridiculous! It serves fresh pizza, burritos, SHRIMP LINGUINI, has a full ice cream shop, huge fishtank and TWO FLOORS. The entire top floor was the arcade/gift shop. :

After marveling at the World's Largest McDonald's for a few minutes, we headed back out on our excursion. By now, its closing in on 7pm, which is (when I presumed) the show started. Luckily, we got to park behind the venue this time. Last time we had to walk like 3 blocks. Laaaame. We stood in line for like five minutes, and this random homeless dude walked up to us, that conversation went as follows :

Homeless Dude : Hey man, whats goin on? Nice to meet you. *shakes my hand*
Me : Uhh... Hello.
HD : What's goin on here tonight man?
Me : Concert.
HD : Oh yeah? Who's playin?
Me : Evile, Gama Bomb and three great other bands.
HD : Yeah? How much it cost to get in this joint? $30? $40? $50?
HD : Oh shit. See that black car right there? That's a cop. Aw shit I KNOW thats a cop man. *looks at the car a bit* Aw hell yeah man thats a cop for sure, ya know what I'm sayin?
Me : *uncomfortable fake laugh*
HD : Yeah man thats a cop for sure. *looks more* Alright I gotta go. *leaves*


Talked to a dude in line about Gama Bomb for a bit, and since I didn't catch his name, he shall be known as the Dude in an Overkill Shirt. He seemed like a pretty cool dude, early, mid 40's maybe. Said he saw Overkill a few months ago and found out that they were touring with a band called Gama Bomb and looked em up and ended up lovin em. Talked to him for like 20 minutes or so and the doors finally opened.

Waiting around for like 15-20 for all the gear to get set up and then, the curtains opened for Orlando local band Backlash. Didn't know these guys were first, hell, didn't even know these guys were even playing, but they weren't too bad. They sounded like a Testament/Forbidden mix. The singers voice was CRAZY high. He was wearing these like.... platform boots though and tripped and fell over mid-song. :lol: Also, he fails at throwing stickers. :lol: After that was over, I spotted the merch table. Got myself the cool Evile skull t-shirt and had a quick talk with the new singer for Bonded By Blood before heading back in.

After the short break Bonded By Blood came out. They mostly played songs from the new album, which I don't have, so I wasn't really into those songs as much as I was into the older ones. The new singer though, did a GREAT job I thought. Lots of enthusiasm and energy, jumping around like a madman, Unfortunately for one of the guitarists, when it came solo time in the first song (the title escapes me), his amp was working properly so he didn't really much much noise..... And the drummer was mostly hidden from view. After two new ones, they played "Mind Pollution", which was AWESOME! I screamed REVOLUTION! so loud. :lol: Then they went into "Immortal Life" (my favorite song) and KILLED it. Such a great thrash song. I sang along and headbanged for the entire song and the venue seemed to really be into it. "Feed the Beast" was next, which also kicked ass. Yelling "Fed the Beast!" was so much fun. They closed out with "Prototype Death Machine" and said their thank you's and stuff and walked off stage.

Who do I see afterwards? Dude in an Overkill Shirt. He was like "Daaaaaamn! They kicked ass!" and seemed to be slighly intoxicated thanks to the drink in his hand. :lol: Also got a chance to talk to the new BBB singer again, and noticed that he has a BADASS Motorhead tattoo on his arm. Bought a tour shirt, and got my picture with him too. :D (Pictues to come later)

Next up, Gama Bomb! It seemed that they played mostly "Citizen Brain" songs, which I don't have, so those kinda met the same reception that the new Bonded By Blood songs got... Fromj me at least. Did get to hear "Three Witches", the first of the three "Tales From the Grave in Space" songs that were played. I've never really noticed this before but, holy fuck the drummer is INSANE! From what I could see of him, he was all over his kit smashing all kinds of drums and cymbals. After another old one, we got to hear "Last Ninjas Unite" which kicked major ass. The singer even had everyone hold up their ninja fists throughout the song. In between each song, the singer kept sayin "Hello. How are you guys?" which I thought was kinda funny, but when he said THIS, I burst out laughing :

Gama Bomb Singer : Alright, who's ready to see our friends from across the pond EVILE?! Or..... FORBIDDEN! Back from the grave! Or OVERKILL! Who.... just won't seem to go to the grave!" :lol:

They played another old one, then they played the anthem for thrash..... SLAM ANTHEM. Moshing galore, lots of people cheering, it was a great song. They ended with "Zombie Brew" and said their thank you's and stuff and headed off.

Guess who I see? Dude in an Overkill shirt. He had a Gama Bomb shirt and his camera (along with another drink) and was like "Duuuuuuuuuuuude! I got a picture of the singer! And I got this shirt and some aaaaawesome pictures of the set!" So we talked to him for a few minutes and he headed off to do.... Whatever.

We headed back to the merch table and saw the singer for Gama Bomb, who is a very strange fellow I might add :lol: and got my picture with him too. Congratulated him on his great show and had a quick conversation with him and headed back inside to see what I came for.

The curtains opened up and EVILE introduced themselves and started playin "Infected Nation". I was standing up front for this set. :D Two things I noticed right off the bat,

1 : Ol was wearing the same Evil Dead t-shirt as last time.
2 : Matt made a strange face during one of the riffs.

After that song, we got "WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE" which is one of my favorite songs. The most pit was in full-blast behind us at one point, and people kept bumping into me, but that didn't detract from me headbanging and singing along. Then was "Time No More", which I like more and more every time I hear it. Now, when I listen to Evile's music, I say "Man, that solo sounds technical as hell." but SEEING it is so much different. Really got alot of respect for Ol. The solos for the three songs so far were mindblowing to see (again.) And Matt and Ben and Joel are so tight and technical in their rythym playing that I was just blown away. Then, everyone BOWED DOWN. TO THE THRAAAASSSSHHHHEEERR! And I screamed along as loud as I could. That song in particular I think, was the best. They finished up with "Enter the Grave" and headed off-stage. Afterwards, I met Ol (who was carrying not one, not two, but THREE beers in his hand :lol: ) and shook his hand and told him he was awesome and he said I had a nice beard. :lol: Got a picture with him too.

Dude in an Overkill Shirt popped up again praising Evile, saying how awesome they were (with another drink) and disappeared shortly after.

(I've been typing for like an hour now, the rest of this post will be shorter. :lol: )

Forbidden was pretty good, but I think I woulda enjoyed it more if I wasn't so close to the mosh-pit. People kept bumping into me and spilling beer on my shoes, which pissed me off a bit. Regardless, Forbidden kicked ass. Now, I only have "Twisted into Form" so I only sang along to those songs, which ended up being "Step By Step" and the title track. I had no idea the singer was such a big dude! He looked like santa! Big gray beard and all!

Found Ben outside after that set and talked to him for a bit, getting a picture afterwards. :D
He looks like the meanest of the four Evile members, but he seemed like he was nicest, which goes to show you not to judge a book by its cover I guess. He seemed like he was really enjoying the tour as well.

Overkill came on shortly after. I actually don't have any Overkill albums, so I wasn't really into their set all that much *activates flame shield* but for a band of 50-ish year old dudes, they SLAYED! The singer had as much energy as the BBB singer did. He almost reminded me of Bruce Dickinson with his stage antics. And you'll never guess who showed up mid-set..... That's right, Dude in an Overkill Shirt. This time (with yet another drink in his hand) he was completely and totally WASTED. I was getting worried for the dude because he didn't even seem to be coherent. :lol: It was funny as hell though. Overkill ended wih "Fuck You!" and then thanked us and went offstage.

Bought a Forbidden shirt afterwards, talked to Matt for a minute (got a picture too) and headed home.

All in all, best gig I've ever been to? Yes, probably.

Thanks Evile and friends for a great show!
Awezome review man! But how the hell did you shake Ol's hand if he held THREE beers!?

Also Matt, Ol, Joel, Ben, GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!
Awesome! Glad you stuck around for Overkill this time! Too bad I won't get to see them again next month, but at least everyone else will be there...

Bring on the pics! :popcorn:
Magic fingers he has


Me and Ben


Me and Matt (And Ol. I honestly did not know he was there until I saw this picture earlier today. :lol: )


Me and Ol


Me and Mauro from Bonded By Blood


Me and Philly from Gama Bomb
Nice Review Keenan! Paul is a good drummer yeah, his technique isnt that incredible but his speed & stamina.....now THAT is incredible. I remember in Bilbao he was so hungover that Philly kept saying after each song, "Are you ready to go home? coz I think Paul is..." hahahaha. Philly was nice too, I gave him a sip of my beer and he said, "I hope theres nothing illegal in here". :D
Yeah Philly's a pretty entertaining frontman. When I saw them Paul looked pretty pissed off, probably because some drunk 50 odd year old dude shouted abuse at the band and then threw his drink at him. He just looked intensely pissed off for the rest of the night.
keenan, are you so small or is it me?:lol:
cool pictures though, the one with Matt is great ( thanks to Ol :lol:)
when i saw Evile this year it didn't even come up in my head to get on the picture with them... stupidity... absolutely going to do that the next time they come to ( a decent city in) holland