Evile 3/30 Firestone Live @ Orlando


Crippling Self Doubt
Apr 9, 2009
Okay, full day recap right here.

Woke up at 6am, got dressed and ready for work (while listening to Evile of course!), ate cereal and went to work. Work was.....interesting.

I've told basically everyone since the tour was announced that I'd be going..... and I also told them exactly what the the website said the venue was.... a Gay Bar/Nightclub/Bar/Dancefloor/Disco Bar. :lol: One friend kept sayin the guys were gonna wear pink shirts that where the v-neck was down to their chest. :lol: He also kept saying "Eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile!" in a very gay voice. But it was fine, I knew I was in for a major ass-kicking.
Upon talking to another friend, he told me "Yeah, you know that place is in the hood right?" I was like oooooooooh god :lol: But I didn't care, because I was seeing fuckin EVILE.

Left work at 1pm, went to the bank, and went home. Played Battlefield Bad Company 2 and FFXIII for a bit and figured that it was time to rally the troops. :p

Got one guy all set up to come over, and called the other guy I was going with........Yeah.... he failed. :( He never took off work so he couldn't go. $27.50 down the drain. *sigh* "Oh well" I thought, "Thats ok I guess. They get SOME of the ticket money right?" Mike got there at about 5, we hung out at my place for a good hour or so then took off on our wonderous trek to Orlando.

We talked about all kind of random ass crap on the way there :lol: Inlcuding some random Punk/Hardcore bands he listens to, talking like Mitch Hedberg, work, and basically ANYTHING to keep us occupied on the 2 hour drive to the venue.

We arrive (thanks to Tomtom) at approximately 7:30 or so. First thing I notice.... There's no way in hell this place is "the hood" :lol: It was like a business district. Feeling a little relieved, we went and got some pizza. Ran the leftovers to the car, and heading towards the venue.

Upon arrival, its LOUD AS HELL. Lazarus AD was already tearing it up inside. We get in, and observe for a moment. Not bad I guess...... Then the circle pits broke loose a few feet in front of me! That was a bit intense :lol:
They play.... 3 songs I think is what we saw, then bid us farewell and went on their merry way.

I wait patiently for Evile to come on. I tried to take pictures, but the place was dark as hell. Camera phone fail. Anyways, at this point, I was feeling a little woozy..... pizza, jogging to the show, lots of smoke.....Not so fun. but I was like "I'm here goddammit, I'm not going home sick".

Then, the intro to Infected Nations. The curtains open up, and Ben is sittin at his kit like >:l being awesome as always. A few seconds later....... BAM. Ownage ensues. My god, I knew that song was complicated as hell, but HOLY SHIT MAN! Thats insane! Ol (who played the solo spot on!) and Matt were ripping through the song while Joel was like :p the whole time and Ben was busy doin his drum thing. :lol:

After a bit of between song banter, Matt shouts "We Who Are about to Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" Being one of my favorite songs, I was like :kickass:!!!! Man, I screamed the words so loud to this one (and every one to be honest) my throat started hurting :lol: Also, headbanging is fun :p

After that, Matt says "BOW DOWN TO THE THRASHEEERRRRRRRRRRR!" I immediately look behind me to see the circle pit raging once more. I move up a little bit closer to the stage to avoid gettin smashed and continue my headbanging/lyric screaming.

After that, it was Time No More, which garnered just as much moshing as Thrasher did. And by the end of the song, I think the whole place was "feeling it" if you know what I mean.

The closer, "Enter the Grave" was equally badass as the rest of the songs and ended the set with a bang.

Afterwards, my friend and I waited for a bit and had a brief word with Matt and his infinite awesomeness. I assume Ol and Joel were off doing something full of epic and win elsewhere because I didn't see them. Ben was also out and about.

I bought a black Infected Nations shirt after I got a pic with Matt, stuck around for like 10-15 more, then split. Sorry Kreator, seeing Evile is what I came for, not you guys :p

Anyways, so now I'm home, typing this obscenely long post while my ears are ringing worse then I've ever heard them.

Great show, would definitely take another 2 hour drive to see em again. you've earned a life-long fan. 10/10

Not lets see if I can get the picture to work....

Evile owns. The end. :D
Whey! I'm glad you had such an awesome time man. I've only seen Evile three times, but they never seem to disappoint. :kickass:
That's awesome dude. Glad you finally got to see 'em live as well. I didn't see "Bathe in Blood" mentioned - did they cut it out of the set? (sux if they did) I know what you mean about the phone cameras - I tried with my iPhone and only got a few decent ones. That's too bad you didn't stick around for Kreator - I'm not the biggest fan of them either but they put on a hell of a show. I did feel a bit under the weather the next morning after my show - chalked it up to not getting any younger, but still totally worth it! :headbang:
Nice Keenan! Glad you had a good time! Shame you only got to see a short set, but I bet soon enough you´ll get an Evile headlining tour in the US. :kickass:
Me and my friend were front row. :D

EDIT : How the hell do I post this picture? :lol:
Its on Facebook, but it won't copy.
Oh and by the way, a friend from work recently moved out of town, and left me her record player. :lol:
This thing looks complicated o_O
EDIT : How the hell do I post this picture? :lol:
Its on Facebook, but it won't copy.

I am so pleased for you Keenan, you have lost your Evile cherry at long last and it was worth the wait, wasn't it?


Great post, I like how you built up the story before reviewing the gig
Thats great that you got to see them Keenan, but not sticking around for Kreator is pretty much FAIL. On an epic scale. I can guarantee you would have gotten even more than your moneys worth if you'd watched them too.

Thats the problem, it won't let me copy the address. :(

And Heavy Metal Rich, its all good. I KNOW they wouldn't have been able to match Evile's show in any way, so whatever. :p

I shall continue to work on gettin this picture to work!
Just try typing it in straight from the bar rather than the copy and paste if it won't let you. "Let me see your face... You are the one from my dreams... Then the stars were right, and this is the day. Gods give me strength."
Thats great that you got to see them Keenan, but not sticking around for Kreator is pretty much FAIL. On an epic scale. I can guarantee you would have gotten even more than your moneys worth if you'd watched them too.


Good call on not watching Kreator. They're shit.

Not this. This post is the worst fail I have ever seen on this forum. and there have been some big ones! *remembers diddy's "hilarious" video*