Evile UK tour announced

I'm nixing all my planned gigs until Febuary anyway so this may well be perfect. The only show I have before the Evile gig in Nottingham is Napalm Death on December 2nd, and even that may get put on the backburner.
Someone told me I saw Evile support Machine Head years ago in Dublin recently, couldn't for the life of me remember being there...110 gigs and still counting
^fucking hell mate how can you keep track?

I had to sit and think about if for a bit but I can't remember. Somewhere in the teens. I'm sure I saw them more than once at the underworld but it wasn't last winter with Warbringer. Went to Milan for that. Definately saw them there on the Exodus tour cos I met Jack Gibson there. When ELSE did they play the underworld?

The worst thing about the Megadeth dates was having to have job for a cowboy there 3 times. I'm sure they're good guys I just can't stand their style and thought it was very out of place between two thrash bands

I am pretty annoyed cos I really want to go to the Hammerfest weekend but they won't do VIP for just one :mad: That's why I'll definately have to do two if the 5 but I reckon it's more likely to be nottingham. Simply cos it's the closest. London will be good but all the watering holes close at 12 so I won't be staying. Hotel in nottingham for the saturday so I can get ratted afterwards!!!!

Were any of you at the Get In The Ring show in Kentish town? I fucking loved that! :kickass:

Next step for me is a holiday in the states that coincides with Evile's next time out there!!!!
Im confused about the Nottingham gig 12th Feburary.
Is it at the rescue rooms?
Because I went on the Rescue rooms website and there already a band playing on the 12th Feburary.
Its probaby just me being stupid and getting the wrong date or something.
Just a bit confused.
Yay Im goin to London for the gig where can I buy tickets guys? Front door? or should I have them before?