
Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Former MEGADETH guitarist Jeff Young has penned an open letter to the band's mainman Dave Mustaine, accusing him of, among other things, "dissing, exaggerating and just plain lying on some level about nearly every talented musician that has passed through his dysfunctional little ensemble."

"Until now, I chose to keep my mouth shut, even for the VH1 'Behind the Music' episode," Jeff writes on his official MySpace blog. "And boy, could I have eaten up some serious air time with the truth about what REALLY went on 'behind the music' in MEGADETH. But it's been well over twenty years and the guy just can't seem to stop himself.

"Here [Mustaine] goes again, bragging in the pages of Guitar World about how he allegedly sings the solo melodies to all his lead guitarists!!

"Seriously, folks? This guy should take his comedy act on the road, if you'll pardon the pun.

"I can't speak for the others but as exceptional as all the MEGADETH lead guys have been, I don't believe his preposterous yarn for a second.

"Regarding the 'So Far, So Good, So What?!'-era sessions: Mustaine was nowhere in the building during any of my rhythm or lead tracking sessions. And since I came into the process at the last minute, there were also NO band rehearsals whatsoever. So when, exactly, did he sing me those solos?

"Fact is, from what I heard of his unedited 'So Far, So Good, So What?!' lead tracks, the guy can barely play his own lead lines, let alone sing some of the stunning lines that Chris [Poland], Marty [Friedman] or Glen [Drover] played."

Jeff then addresses Dave directly, stating, "Let's be clear for the record: you were not in the studio with me during any of my tracking... not one song � not one second. You know it and I know it. You need to stop blatantly lying to your fans and in the media.

"Perhaps next time you look in the mirror with the ole' 'hello me, meet the real me' crap � you'll pause to consider why you feel the need to continually perpetuate ridiculous bullshit and belittle others in order to make yourself seem more significant or talented.

"You consider yourself a 'genius,' yet after all these years, you're still not smart enough to comprehend that when you diminish others, you dimish yourself most of all � even as you clearly telegraph your raging insecurity for anyone with an ounce of insight to see. You may also want to go back and re-read the lyrics you wrote in 'Liar'. Then consider the giant glass house you've built for yourself and put your silly little stones down, once and for all. At the very least for all the players that helped create all the success you now so arrogantly and selfishly enjoy."

Young concludes his missive by stating, "Oh, and while we're at it: you may want to stop telling the world that you invented the 'spider chord!' Classical guitarists commonly use that approach and it is considered part of the standard classical guitar technique, you fool."

Read Jeff Young's entire message at this location: [URL="http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=69854880&blogID=522676249"]http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=69854880&blogID=522676249[/URL]

Well nothing like an episode of Megadeth: the soap opera :rolleyes:
I've never even heard these claims Young's making but then again I don't follow Megadeth closely outside of the music.

Love the music but Mustaine's a nut. We all know it.

You got that right about Dave being a nut. I'm glad some has spoke out about Dave though. He has bad mouthed eveyone who's been a former member except Dover but probably only because he still needs a drummer in the band.
Up until now I think the only guy that challenged Dave was Ellefson, I wish more of them would come out and call Dave on his bullshit...
What's this deal with Dave's supposed "spider chord"? That doesn't make sense. Nobody could be that arrogant to claim to invent a chord for guitar. Besides, Queensryche was playing them 2-3 years before Megadeth.
What's this deal with Dave's supposed "spider chord"? That doesn't make sense. Nobody could be that arrogant to claim to invent a chord for guitar. Besides, Queensryche was playing them 2-3 years before Megadeth.

He invented nothing, it's just about using all 4 fingers when fretting adjacent power chords (say, F# and G on the same strings or E and C on different strings). Load of crap to impress his less experienced fans or those who cannot play any instrument at all...

Kerry King also mentioned he used the similar technique in one interview I've read, but Dave would probably claim he taught him that. :lol:
Not to mention that dumbass claim he hummed all the solos to all of his solo guitarists... Yeah right, as if Friedman needed anyone to show him what to play. Dave couldn't be the half the player Marty is in ten lifetimes! Maybe he tells Chris how to play as well?!?

Dave, considering you boast about being a Christian now and all that crap, it can't be you forgot about a few of the deadly sins - envy, greed and pride among them?
The guy needs a reality check and at least a verbal slap in the face if not a real one...
Some of these ex guitarists are certainly no angels either, they did their share of fucking up too. Jeff young is acting like a bitch, he was on heroin just as much as Dave was. The truth will come out, just wait until Mustaine's biography comes out then it will be on!
a thread about this was posted on the megadeth forum in the TA (total anarchy) section and most people applauded jeff and agreed with him. today the entire total anarchy section of the megadeth forums was deleted never to return again. the thread in the megadeth section of the megadeth forums is still there because most of it is mustaine ass kissing. since he deleted an entire section of the forum my conclusion is what jeff said is true and dave got butthurt about it.

megadeth has always had problems and there is 1 constant and his name is mustaine. he always has a problem that gets blamed on a former member. does he do anything wrong? guess not
Some of these ex guitarists are certainly no angels either, they did their share of fucking up too. Jeff young is acting like a bitch, he was on heroin just as much as Dave was. The truth will come out, just wait until Mustaine's biography comes out then it will be on!
Agreed.Dave doesn't have to be everybody's best friend,but man is really a genius and without him no one would ever heard for Menza,Ellefson(he tried to take more of his money and when he failed he wanted to be his friend again),Young,Poland etc.
To be honest,those people are also very good musicians.
Dave IS a crazy guy,but still he seems like an honest,down to earth person.

Dave:"Every time I see Phil I feel bad for him."
Lars:"Who's Phil?!?"
Dave"Sandoval!From Armored Saint.Don't you remember me breaking his leg?
Lars:"Why would I remember that incident?"
Dave:"He pushed you down and he hurt you and I make sure that he didn't hurt you again."

You gotta love Dave:lol::kickass:
I think everybody knows by now that he don't care that much about the fame and money like others do,he really devoted his life to Megadeth and he's living his dream.
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yawn...don't care...rock on dave!

You don’t care. He and his forum mods are nazis. He is butt hurt someone called him out and now they are wrecking their own forum. Traffic has been cut in half since dave removed the total anarchy section of his forums. I can give you phrases that seem harmless to you but will get you banned or at least miserable for a few days. Go look up what miserable is. I know someone on here can tell you.

Go there and mention uforadar forums or new total anarchy forums and you will be banned. These are forums created recently that I’d say more that half of the long time megadeth forum members migrated to after dave deleted TA. Why does this get you banned? Because they don’t want anyone else leaving their forums. They have blocked the web address or these 2 sites from the megadeth forums. You can’t even send a private message with the web address

Go there and put “TA FOR LIFE” in your sig. It will be removed and you will be warned if you insert that in your sig again you will be banned

Go there and say “you agree with jeff young” just that phrase will get you banned .

I can give you the name of a woman. If you want her name go over there and post a thread asking who she is. You will be banned. To let you know dave had an affair with her a few years ago and thanks to some forum members the situation blew up in daves face.

that’s just a drop in the ocean. Does this sound like actions of someone you want to “rock on”? to me it sounds like the actions of a child and his sheep like followers. All of these actions basically proves what jeff young said about dave was true. No other reason for the cover up
Agreed.Dave doesn't have to be everybody's best friend,but man is really a genius and without him no one would ever heard for Menza,Ellefson(he tried to take more of his money and when he failed he wanted to be his friend again),Young,Poland etc.

Great musician, certainly.
Genius? He is hardly Franz Liszt or Arnold Schoenberg or others of that ilk.
He is a good musician and a skilled guitarist, but to put him on the same level as true, proper geniuses of music is just absurd.
I used to be on Megadeth forums about 4-5 years ago, until they just disappeared one day. I never bothered going back when they were reinstated.

Anyway, if Dave's a primadonna... oh well. As long as he's making good music, that's what really matters.
I'm amazed of some of the posts here. I knew when I started that part of the hive would have a stir but I never thought the passion of some posters.

I'm not here to idolize anyone, to me as long as the music is good and the lyrics don't cross any hardline (racism, bigotry, etc.) I don't have an issue with the personal life or big mouth of any musician. To me reading person A or B statements about former bandmates is just clean fun.
You don’t care. He and his forum mods are nazis. He is butt hurt someone called him out and now they are wrecking their own forum. Traffic has been cut in half since dave removed the total anarchy section of his forums. I can give you phrases that seem harmless to you but will get you banned or at least miserable for a few days. Go look up what miserable is. I know someone on here can tell you.

Go there and mention uforadar forums or new total anarchy forums and you will be banned. These are forums created recently that I’d say more that half of the long time megadeth forum members migrated to after dave deleted TA. Why does this get you banned? Because they don’t want anyone else leaving their forums. They have blocked the web address or these 2 sites from the megadeth forums. You can’t even send a private message with the web address

Go there and put “TA FOR LIFE” in your sig. It will be removed and you will be warned if you insert that in your sig again you will be banned

Go there and say “you agree with jeff young” just that phrase will get you banned .

I can give you the name of a woman. If you want her name go over there and post a thread asking who she is. You will be banned. To let you know dave had an affair with her a few years ago and thanks to some forum members the situation blew up in daves face.

that’s just a drop in the ocean. Does this sound like actions of someone you want to “rock on”? to me it sounds like the actions of a child and his sheep like followers. All of these actions basically proves what jeff young said about dave was true. No other reason for the cover up

Why would Dave want to promote a bunch of people that shittalk him on his own website he pays for? Of course he is banning them, especially the Jeff young supporters. TA was a bunch of pointless nonsense anyway, and most of those people weren't even MEgadeth fans. Jeff young may be pissed about some old things that happened 20 years ago, but it's too late to destroy Mustaine's career now. Have fun playing live to Preschool students Mr Young.

anyone see the comments from Glen Drover???

Former Megadeth guitarist Glen Drover has sent BraveWords.com the following update:

"As I'm sure most of you are aware of the recent postings from Jeff Young towards Dave Mustaine, I would personally like to comment on the one subject of Dave humming guitar solos to his guitar players for recordings.

For myself, the situation was very productive when I was laying down my solos for the United Abominations album. The procedure to start, was me going off in another room of the studio, constructing a solos for a particular section and then stepping into the control room to show Dave and the producer (be it Andy Sneap or Jeff Balding) what I had designed. If Dave liked what i had done 100%, that's the way it went down, but there were times when it would be a situation (as Dave put it) 'It's YOUR way, or 'OUR' way. Meaning that if he liked what I did, that was great, but if it wasn't what he was going for, we would go for the second step, which would be 'OUR' way.

At that point, he would loosely sing a possible pattern and motion with his left hand, giving me a an idea of what direction he wants to go into., then i would work out pattern based around that idea and there was the solo.
I don't know how things went down in the past before my time, but i can bet that Dave didn't invent this idea of solo production the day I started.

I'm NOT taking any sides here, but wanted to set the record straight on that issue from my history with Megadeth.

For a reference of what I'm talking about, its in a fan club 'making of the United Abominations album video clip included here, that was made while I was in England with Dave and Andy, going through the finishing touches on the album.

The clip (below) clearly shows Dave singing an idea for the first solo in 'Sleepwalker' and then the next shot is me playing through the solo, shortly after I had constructed the solo from Dave's initial idea.

At the end of the day, it's all about what is best for the song and the best idea should always win, be it solos or any other instrument that is recorded.

In closing I would like to say that we should ALL wish Megadeth the very best of luck with the upcoming Grammy nomination for the song 'Head Crusher'!!!!!!

Merry Christmas and a big Happy New Year to all of you!"
These comments made by jeff young are in response to comments dave made in the last few months, not 20 years ago. Dave is doing press for a tour in Australia and mentions something he said jeff did 20 years ago for no reason other than to throw him under the bus and take any blame from the aborted SFSGSW Australian leg off of himself. This caused jeff to have a hard time booking some recent gigs he’s doing. He’s being punished for something 20 years ago that he may or may not have done that didn’t need to be brought up now

Same crap has been going on for years now. Take a former member and put all the blame of something on them. Dave is the leader and megadeth and the only constant member yet member has had troubles since day 1. Easy to see its mustaine causing the problems since hes the only constant in the equation.

I saw glen’s comments and it doesn’t change a thing. In 2005 dave was clean as far as I know. In 1988 he was not. that’s a 20 year gap and dave changed a lot during that time. What glen is saying is the exact opposite of what mustaine has been saying for years. Dave says he wrote all of marty’s solos, ellefsons bass parts, nicks drum parts, etc. someone was kind enough to post the quote and the interview numerous times over the last few days. The proof is right in front of you. Why is marty friedman using scales in his solo’s and doing things that mustaine never did? Easy because dave didn’t write them. Someone is trying to find the footage that was on youtube of jeff young tracking one of his solo’s and dave mustaine is nowhere to be found during the process. It appears it was removed from youtube, probably by someone in the megadeth camp to cause a cover up and make mustaine look like god still
Mustaine admitted several times he's not as good as his hired guns like Poland and Friedman. Dave is more of a rhythm guitarist who can do some leads, and he knows his guitarist he's hired can play better than him. I know Jeff young has a new album coming out, so what better time to cause ruckus than now to promote his album. Jeff and Dave have some personal things from the past they are still mad about, thats why Im eager to read the new biography coming out, should be quite interesting.
yes dave has admitted the guys he hires are better than him which is why its weird he stated he wrote everyone's material for them. its just sad to have someone ask you about a tour and your first thought is to bring up something from 20 years ago and make an ex member look bad. an ex member who just finished recovering from cancer. i guess dave follows the rules of drug/alcohol recovery. he admits everyone else has a problem :Smug: thats so christian of him.

Btw I think I was just banned from the megadeth forums for this post in a thread talking about these glen/jeff comments: “lets not forget this was all started by an interview given by dave about upcoming australia shows. Neither party should have started with the name calling and blame game”

I can’t login now and someone emailed me and told me my post was deleted. Wtf is wrong with that post? Nothing at all. No one wants to admit dave started this entire fiasco a few months ago with his interview