Excellent Live performance at Headway

Hello Enchant and board members,

Obviously, I am a newbie here. But I'd like to say thank you for Enchant's
great live performance at Headway Festival. I came all the way from
Japan, but it was worth coming for Headway Festival to see Enchant
and other great bands in my opinion. :rock:

I happened to see Mr.Ed Platt at the merchandise table. It was great to see
one of Enchant members very close. :)
Maybe, someone wondered if this guy were from Japan or China, haha.
I decided not to approach to any of Enchant members before the show at that time. Maybe, it was a kind of silly excuse that I was really nervous to talk or I did not want to bother him at all. But to be honest, I must have
talked to them before the end of the day one.

Anyway, I had a great time to see Enchant live. Really energetic and
emotional performance I've really enjoyed. Other bands performed
really fantasticas well. One day, I'd like to catch Enchant show in the future.
Esp., I really enjoyed seeing their performance from "A Blueprint of the World" and "Blink of an Eye." Those are really highlights for me. :rock:

Once again, thanks a lot for Enchant's appearance at Headway and really
fantastic performance. :worship:

Tetsu Hamanaka
Hey Tetsu,

I remember u from Headway. Not that we talked, but how many Japanese guys can there be at a Dutch venue? :u-huh:
I think u did talk to a friend of mine, Niek, the dejay fot both days?!

Anywayz, i just wanted to say how COOL u are for travelling halfway around the world!!!
It's a great thing how music brings people together :rock:

GRTZ Bianca :loco:

tetsu_pilgrimmonk said:
Hello Enchant and board members,

Obviously, I am a newbie here. But I'd like to say thank you for Enchant's
great live performance at Headway Festival. I came all the way from
Japan, but it was worth coming for Headway Festival to see Enchant
and other great bands in my opinion. :rock:

I happened to see Mr.Ed Platt at the merchandise table. It was great to see
one of Enchant members very close. :)
Maybe, someone wondered if this guy were from Japan or China, haha.
I decided not to approach to any of Enchant members before the show at that time. Maybe, it was a kind of silly excuse that I was really nervous to talk or I did not want to bother him at all. But to be honest, I must have
talked to them before the end of the day one.

Anyway, I had a great time to see Enchant live. Really energetic and
emotional performance I've really enjoyed. Other bands performed
really fantasticas well. One day, I'd like to catch Enchant show in the future.
Esp., I really enjoyed seeing their performance from "A Blueprint of the World" and "Blink of an Eye." Those are really highlights for me. :rock:

Once again, thanks a lot for Enchant's appearance at Headway and really
fantastic performance. :worship:

Tetsu Hamanaka
BiancaFF said:
Hey Tetsu,

I remember u from Headway. Not that we talked, but how many Japanese guys can there be at a Dutch venue? :u-huh:
I think u did talk to a friend of mine, Niek, the dejay fot both days?!

Anywayz, i just wanted to say how COOL u are for travelling halfway around the world!!!
It's a great thing how music brings people together :rock:

GRTZ Bianca :loco:

Thank you for your comments, Bianca :) . I remember I've also seen you at the venue.
Yes, Niek is a great DJ playing lots of cool prog and metal stuffs.
This was my first time to see him, and talk each other.
I had lots of fun in your country.

Btw, I've just visited your band's website,
after having seen your postings below.
It looks interesting. Keep up a
good work, Bianca. It was a really good weekend for prog metal fans
at Headway. Maybye, next time your band is gonna play something
at Headway in the future? ;)

Thanks a lot for your feedback, take care!!
Tetsu Hamanaka
tetsu_pilgrimmonk said:
at Headway. Maybye, next time your band is gonna play something
at Headway in the future? ;)

Tetsu Hamanaka

Or the "small stage" (tent) at the Bospop festival....

Also a nice addition to put Enchant on stage there....
Threshold played there a couple of years ago...

And there is only one thing to describe HOW it was: :rock: :worship: :rock:
Good idea...Enchant playing the smaller stages at bigger shows...so many here in the Bay Area. The season is coming up for Shoreline, the Pavilion... Kaboom in SF would be good, shake up all those KFOGgers, get them ROCKING again!! Wake up, world, get Enchanted!

Good night...


StandBuilder said:
Or the "small stage" (tent) at the Bospop festival....

Also a nice addition to put Enchant on stage there....
Threshold played there a couple of years ago...

And there is only one thing to describe HOW it was: :rock: :worship: :rock:
Hey Patrick,

We're in the finals for WAF, so maybe we do get to play at Bospop, but first we have to "eliminate" the 4 other bands! We could use your support so maybe you can come see us at de Bosuil on friday the 22nd? If you do, make sure you get a hold of me. would be nice to have a face to go with Standbuilder.....

GRTZ Bianca
BiancaFF said:
Hey Patrick,

We could use your support so maybe you can come see us at de Bosuil on friday the 22nd? If you do, make sure you get a hold of me. would be nice to have a face to go with Standbuilder.....

GRTZ Bianca

Friday the 22nd of what?¿? May, June, November??? :grin: :grin: :grin:

But, you know, it is only a 20 minute ride by bike, so the Builder is going to be there...

C ya... :wave: