So, Jim, what did you think? I didn't see you at all - we were there all weekend. Did you hang for anyone other than IQ or were you just there Saturday night?
I plan to post a more long-winded dissertation over at PE.com, but suffice it to say it was a good NEARFest overall. I LOVED Kenso - they totally rocked and they were the highlight of the weekend --- amazing talents! :Spin:
#2 was IQ - I have seen most of the IQ guys in other bands but I've never seen IQ per se - and I loved it!

Their set was great and the new drummer really did a top notch job after he got over a few 'willies' at the top of the set. I do hope Jowitt is feeling better, though....that was a painful set for him, literally....OUCH!
#3 for me was Knight Area - I thought they were just great, and I don't care how many times the singer changed his shirt!!! :hotjump: We got their CD a while back from Ken at LE and I thoroughly enjoyed their set.
#4 was Matthew Parmenter. I didn't know anything about him either (I didn't know anything about Kenso except they were Japanese) and he was fantastic - and very funny to boot.

I could have listened to him all afternoon.
#5 for me was Proto-Kaw -- I thought Kerry and co did a great job!

I really enjoyed thier music and we bought their CD the next day.
After that, I didn't really care for anyone else. I guess I would have to say the remaining order would be:
6 - The Muffins
7 - Steve Roach
8 - The Present
We didn't see PFM on Friday or Le Orme on Sunday as neither of us like Italian Prog. As a friend of mine said over the weekend, it is 'an acquired taste' - and evidently I haven't acquired it yet - and probably won't, ever.
For the record, I really abhored The Present.

Noise Noise Noise. The drummer was a wild man and was mildly entertaining, but no way could he hold up this band for me. We left after four grating pieces, and would have left after the third had I gotten my camera packed up earlier. The funnier dude, though, was the cat sitting in the middle of the third row who CLIMBED OVER two rows of seats to 'escape' after the 4th song as well. Good on ya, dude!
The Muffins did a jazz set, which would have been fine at a jazz festival, but felt terribly out of place at a prog fest.

We knew we were in trouble when the lights came up and there was not a single guitar in sight, but there were, as Dave humorously pointed out, enought wind instruments to fill a marching band. It was rather comical, but it didn't work for me.
Steve Roach did a mercifully short set - only about half an hour, and that was about all I could take.

Keyboards, but all experimental sounds and stuff, not any real songs - all with a screen show that started with shots of the desert/red rocks/canyons but then morphed into just weird graphic images - the kind of stuff you see on a Windows screen saver. Not for me.
I wore my Enchant DVD Oakland shirt on Friday and got nary a glance. We did run into the dude that sits next to us at ROSFest, which was pretty funny, though!
I still like NEARFest though - usually Ilike half of the bands, and it is fun to 'torture' the progsnobs by saying how much I like Iron Maiden and wearing an Edguy shirt, LOL!
It was fun to catch up with Rob Aubrey too - IO sound guy extraordinaire!!