Exclusive preview - SYNTH solo from one of the upcoming songs!


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Haha, I'm so thrilled by this... today I was going through my songs, trying to layer stuff on top of everything and just adding to it and generally enriching the songs, and I decided I needed a solo after a nice and calm interlude. I wanted something beautiful but fast and shit, arpeggios going apeshit and stuff which I cannot play at all, so I decided to program the solo.

Just ran an instance of Crystal with a simple sine wave into my usual guitar FxChain. Note that this isn't mixed, it's just a scratch track for one of the songs. Addictive Drums will NOT be on the final product :p

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/585020/CynDjent Solo.mp3

Tell me what you think! It took me a freakin' while to figure out how to program that in REAPER, and let me tell you... REAPER could need some utilities in the MIDI department :(
Sounds awesome man.

Perhaps a little overdone of the pitch sliding (I forget the name of that now), particularly the one at ;09 going up, too repetitive. And I'm not digging the note it ends on.
Can't wait for you to release your album :D

this took me like 20 minutes to download. Being capped sucks.
Thanks for your feedback!

Hehe yeah well, I programmed the solo the way I thought I would play it on guitar... so perhaps that's why the pitch sliding is a bit whacky :D I'll see if I go back and edit it, it's such a pain in the ASS with REAPER... working with that kind of MIDI stuff. Hmm good point about the end note... might find a better one to land on.
maybe the divebomb(was supposed to be one i guess^^) at 0:23 is a bit too heavy but the rest is beautiful
too heavy divebomb you say? Don't touch my divebomb, I love it! Hahahaha :D Nah but seriously, thanks for the feedback =) I think I'm atleast going to go back and change the end note as Morgan pointed out... but I think I'll leave the divebomb as is, I like it! Meeeeeooooooowwww! :D
Really badass dude, I like it a lot! The slides work well IMO, though I'm not a fan of those arps building up to the end, something about the timing just feels a little off, and there are parts here and there where I feel like I would change some notes just to make it flow better, though naturally there are way too many notes (sire :D) for me to get specific, so if you agree, then obsess and try to find them yourself, and if not, well, it's still sweet as-is! :D
This sounds fuckin epic bro! I love it!!! Such a clever idea. At first I didn't know what the hell you were on about. I listened to it, thought it was badass and listened again and was like "oHHHHHHHH"! How ingenious!
As I said, this reminds me of Cynic (or Portal if you wanna be anal about it) - The Circle's Gone. By no means an insult.
To be able to do really widdly widdly sweepy shit and have it sound beautiful is a skill not to be sniffed at.
Really badass dude, I like it a lot! The slides work well IMO, though I'm not a fan of those arps building up to the end, something about the timing just feels a little off, and there are parts here and there where I feel like I would change some notes just to make it flow better, though naturally there are way too many notes (sire :D) for me to get specific, so if you agree, then obsess and try to find them yourself, and if not, well, it's still sweet as-is! :D

Nice feedback! I'll probably take another scrutinizing look at that solo and see if I catch any of those notes... but I'm glad you like it :)

Thanks to everyone who has commented so far, it really puts a smile on my face. As I just explained to Gareth on MSN, I'm having lots of ups and downs right now with this project. One moment I feel like this is gonna turn out pure awesome, and the next moment I just feel like it's all just completely shit. But the majority of the feedback for this little clip has been very good, and I will try to keep that in mind the next time I'm feeling depressed about the music :D

Honestly, this little song clip is the best thing I have heard in a long time...it puts a smile on my face:)

p.s. your a jerk for cutting it off at the end just when it starts to get funky:p
i think everyone can agree that we all get like that when it comes to our own music...i know im my own worst critic and i ALWAYS find myself listening to my shit and going "oh wait i can add this here and put that there" and saying it over and over till everyone else is like dude it sounds great just leave it...let me know when the final product is done, cant wait to hear it
Honestly, this little song clip is the best thing I have heard in a long time...it puts a smile on my face:)

p.s. your a jerk for cutting it off at the end just when it starts to get funky:p

Wow, really? Thanks for those words man, I really appreciate it. Haha yeah, can't reveal too much of the song just yet... gotta keep it a little hush hush until things are atleast recorded... man, I'm not looking forward to laying the drums on this, considering the fact that I'm such a bitch when it comes to recording myself and I'm a perfectionist way beyond help :) But all the great comments from you guys will certainly help me with this!

i think everyone can agree that we all get like that when it comes to our own music...i know im my own worst critic and i ALWAYS find myself listening to my shit and going "oh wait i can add this here and put that there" and saying it over and over till everyone else is like dude it sounds great just leave it...let me know when the final product is done, cant wait to hear it

Yeah exactly, I know that you are right but I still can't help but feeling this way about my own music. Well, we all probably know that feeling around here..

Yeah, definately, I will let the whole world know when it's done! Well, you guys will be the first ones to know, haha :) I believe it's gonna take a while though... maybe sometime in winter. I feel pretty worn out already from all the song writing, and that is the part I find the hardest and most tiring. Recording, editing and mixing is just routine business, but in the writing process it's total mind-tearing chaos.
Yea man, like when I heard it, I continued to listen to it like 10 more times...the synth solo is so beautiful and flawless

Cant wait to hear the final product! dont ever get discouraged your work is sick!
too heavy divebomb you say? Don't touch my divebomb, I love it! Hahahaha :D Nah but seriously, thanks for the feedback =) I think I'm atleast going to go back and change the end note as Morgan pointed out... but I think I'll leave the divebomb as is, I like it! Meeeeeooooooowwww! :D

Haha, no prob ;)
now that I've heard it more than twice I even think it fits quite feel...maybe I just needed to get used to it a bit ;) nice one!