Excuse bumbling Bryant today.......


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Ha ha ha my ADD is acting up bad tonight. I listen to one song on a CD and have to change it and when I reply to a post it has nothing to do with the original topic. :ill: Maybe it will make for some decent reading anyway....... I hope so.

JonnyD said:
BRYANT! hahahaha your feeling sorry for yourself again! J/k hahahaha dont worry about it if they dont like your posts they will ignore you just like they do me :D

Ha ha ha no I wasn't feeling sorry for myself. It was more like frustrated. It ticks me off when my brain doesn't work riht. >:p~

You're not the only one. I was diagnosed with ADHD when i was 5, took Ritilin until i was 12, when I developed a side effect where I would zone out. I've calmed down quite a bit, i'm nowhere near as hyper as i used to be, i used to be a terror. I made the Tazmanian Devil look like he was medicated with tranquilizer. I still have a very, very hard time consentrating on things, my fine motor skills are still quite underdeveloped and i have a very hard time splitting my attention on multiple tasks at once. Multi-tasking is almost impossible for me.
Wicked Child said:
i have a very hard time splitting my attention on multiple tasks at once. Multi-tasking is almost impossible for me.

I was Never put on Rits My mother refused to let the System Drug me..... But man I feel your Pain if I try to concentrate on more than one thing at once I get lost and Frustrated :erk: