Exodus, Trillians - Newcastle last night, Nick Barker joins Testament

Liam Thompson

Lord of the Strings
Jan 13, 2004
Sunderland, England
Just saw Exodus playing at Trillian's in Newcastle last night with Biomechanical supporting. Both bands had a really good sound, which is suprising in there because it is quite a small place and the sound isn't always too good in there.

Biomechanical's guitar players were using the same equipment as when I saw them last time - Framus Cobra amp with a Tc Electronics G-Major with G System for effects. They were using Exodus' Peavey cabs thats night.

Gary and Lee were both using Peavey Triple X amps through Peavy cabs. Sounded very thick and ballsy to say the least (was still hoping the modded Marshall was going to make an appearence so I can hear this thing in the flesh). Gary was also using BC Rich V with a scalloped fingerboard and Seymour Duncan pickups.

Nick Barker was drum teching for Paul Bostaph on the tour and got to meet him and he told me he's just joined Testament, was great news to me as I've always rated Nick as one of the very best metal drummers out there.

Hope any of this was of some interest to you guys.
yeah i read that on the megadeth forums, the new testament is gonna be good with nick on the kit
dude u live in the same place as me, sunnyland
do u work in soundworld?
Woooah... I'm used to Nick doing way more technical stuff than you'd find in most Testament - not that Bastoph was a slouch or anything, Nick is just Nick.

That'll be fucking awesome, though! Glad the guys back behind the kit, he's been out of a band for a while IIRC.
I thought the sound was terrible at Trills more so for Bio, the guitars were swamped from where we were standing just off centre. The amount of bands who play there they should stump up for a new P.A. Gary,s Rico Jr V was sweet he was talking about the signature model after the gig.
I thought the sound was terrible at Trills more so for Bio, the guitars were swamped from where we were standing just off centre. The amount of bands who play there they should stump up for a new P.A. Gary,s Rico Jr V was sweet he was talking about the signature model after the gig.

Sounded ok to me from where I was (just next to Gary Holt) but it's not often in Triallian's the sound is ever good, damn right a new PA is needed.

I see you're in Order Of The Black Sun? I'm Liam from Avenger I play with Gary your former drummer. Sorry to here about your singer dude.
Cheers Liam I saw you with your singer in D.I.B but never got a chance to chat. I saw them down Manchester and the sound was far superior to Trills probably something to do with Trills being a bloody odd layout still a good gig. Hope everythings going great for you tell Gary I'm asking about him.
They're playing here in a pub around the corner from my apartment in a few days. Not a massive Exodus fan (mainly due to the various vocalists) but Holt's cool so if I've got nothing better to do and there's tix on the door, I might go for a look.