Expect a few changes next year


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Expect the following next year:

1. Lights on the stairs. If you noticed, there were actually holes cut out in on various stairs with light bulbs in them. However, the wiring was still screwed up. That will be FIXED next time.

2. Autograph limits. There will be a limit of three items per fan. Sorry, but it's not fair for John Doe to plop down 20 items to get signed while the fan in the back of the line loses out on any because the time ran out.

3. Total pat downs and searchs at the front door by multiple security agents EVERY TIME YOU GO THROUGH THE DOOR. I had several bootleggers this year and they have ruined it for everyone. I may ban backpacks/camera bags as well. I'm tired of this shit. If this happens, I will make sure that we have a bag sponsor so you can pile your cds in it. If things are as bad next year as they were this year, all photography may go as well. I'm so pissed about it that I even thought about stopping in/out privledges. If you see a bootlegger, REPORT them before it ruins it for everyone.

Glenn H.
I Totally Agree With You Glenn. Being Able To Bring Cameras And The In/out Privledge Are More Things That Make Progpower Usa Even More Special, Most Concerts You Can't Do Either. If A Few People Ruin It For The Rest Of Us That Will Suck, Those Kind Of People Can Just Stay Home!!!!
Damn that sucks!!! It's these special privileges that makes ProgPower so unique. Leave it to a couple a-holes to ruin it for everyone. Wish I'd seen one of the bastards.

We were only back from PP5 one day and we received an e-mail from someone in Belarus who wanted us to sell their bootlegs on our site. I didn't even grace him with a reponse.
Wow. Yeah, there's a pretty major suck factor there, for sure.

I can say that I wouldn't personally mind being searched on my way in -- It's annoying, but tolerable, and certainly should help address the problem. I hope, though, that you don't take away photography -- it's one of the things that makes ProgPower so special, and one of the main reasons I attend. I think that I probably wouldn't attend if that were banned.

Though, since you implied it -- was there a problem with photography this year? In general, the more active photographers at the show seemed to behave fairly sanely to me... I'd love to know if there was a problem. (And if there was, I hope it wasn't me... :)
OMG, that's awful! Always a few bad apples that have to ruin it for everyone else. I bought a digital camera for the soul purpose of taking PP photos, I'll have to hunt people down if we can't take cameras next year!

As for the stairs, that's good to know. During Savatage's set I was seated on a step (I left plenty of room for people to get by and didn't have anything in anyone's way - there were no seats that I could find). Anyhow, a man had gone out to get some drinks, came back in and was walking up the steps and got thrown by the one step that sort of juts (is that a word?) into the aisle. He landed on my foot, but I felt worse for him because he had to take such a fall and suffer the embarrassment. So I'm glad that they will be taking care of that for future shows. In the end it's in Earthlink's better interest to have that sort of thing remedied.
Man, if i find who bootlegged it, i'll have some words for him/her. I am all for people booting concerts, but glenn has specifically asked everyone not to and plus progpower is "Hallowed Ground" people should have more respect and respect his wishes. Although i don't bootleg, i would like to start in the future for personal collections, never to sell, but i wouldn't attempt to even try it at progpower. That is stupid and i hope he finds who did it.

wow, that would really suck as I love taking pics of me and my long distance friends that I only get to meet at progpower.

How did someone find out about these bootleggers? were they trying to sell them on ebay or something?:Smug:

I do like the lights on the steps idea as I WAS one of those people who not only tripped, I had my nose meet the floor. It was funny though as I know I would have been laughing at me if it wasn't me making the fall.:Spin:

I like the back up plan of bag sponsers as putting 200 dollars of merch in one century media bag was making me gain muscles in my arms.:ill:
elfchief said:
Though, since you implied it -- was there a problem with photography this year?

I suspect that the problem is that it's getting difficult to tell the difference between who's taking still pictures and who's taking video. Sarah and I spent several minutes during Edguy wondering if the guy in front of her was filming, because he had an unusually nice LCD screen that could have passed for a camcorder. After watching for a while, though, we figured out that he was just running the LCD to get an image, because every so often he'd put it down on his lap and we'd see "Recording" start blinking on the screen for a few seconds.

I know I got tagged by a security guard at TSO last year for the same reason. He asked to see the camera, and was cool once he saw it was just a camera.
Being able to take pics is 'teh roxor' at PP! I'm still dialing in my concert photo skills and PP is the perfect opportunity. I keep everything in private folders on my PC for my own use. A few are shared in communities like these, but no audio or MPEG's. WTF? Who was bootleggin'? It'll be up to those of us loyal to this event (and to Glenn)to monitor and control this development. :Shedevil:
I just hope you don't take away the in/out feature of PP. They can pat me down everytime. I just like the fact I can take my CD's and stuff to the car, that way I don't have to worry about them, and can then go wherever I want without feeling like I have to hold onto something.
Agreed, the In/Out feature is KEY. It's great to be able to hit the vendors hard, drop of your score in the car, then be back into the venue and up front before the regular ticket holders are even allowed into the place.

As for the bootlegging, that just plain sucks. A few knuckleheads always have to ruin it for everyone else. Hopefully they weren't Gold Badge holders, and hopefully Glenn can make sure they don't get tickets next year.
If I had seen any bootleggers I wouldve let someone know and that's not me being wienery or anything like that its just simply a case of doing what's right. I mean, at club shows no one really cares about boots but since there has been an obvious "no bootlegs at ALL" policy at PP then dont be a douche.

For the autograph sessions, I think the bigger problem instead of multiple items to get signed was everyone stopping to tell the bands their life stories. Example: During Kamelot I had all the cds but it took me about one minute to go through the line simply because I didnt gush all over them like I wanted to make love to Roy. I simply shook Thomas' hand and said thank you. Same with Edguy, I had most of their stuff (all for Jens and I do mean ALL since I missed him at PP III) yet it was a breeze as well because I didnt attempt to get into a deep philisophical conversation with any of them. I think having someone there to keep the line moving would be a better idea than the item limit. Most of the times you can run into the bands and have them sign 500 things personally but some groups like Kamelot and Edguy this year were hard to get ahold of individually. I'm a fan first, journalist second, and the fan in me still likes to know I have their catalog signed, I'd hate to have to pick and choose what will get their John Hancocks and what would get left behind, but if this rule goes into affect I'll abide by it. I still think however that the biggest holdup in the lines was the "I love you____ so much you rule, you inspired me, I cant believe this, oh my god AHHHH" group.

Totally agree with 1) and 2). As for 3), that's certainly sad to hear and while I understand your frustration I hope you put some real thought into any policy changes before enacting them, to make sure they actually make sense and will accomplish anything. Because to me there's nothing worse than policies/rules that only punish the good guys and that the bad guys can easily circumvent/avoid.

I agree with some of the sentiments others have expressed. I'm all for stopping bootlegging, but banning photography would be a major downer, I think that's currently one of the really cool "features" of ProgPower. You mention banning camera bags/backpacks, but I don't really see what that would accomplish. This year I was toting a bag containing a DSLR and multiple lenses, but like all other SLR's my camera is completely incapable of recording video. Meanwhile pretty much any of those small "point-and-shoot" digicams that sell for a couple hundred bucks have video capability. So if you tell me to leave my SLR gear at home while letting everybody else bring their compact cameras in that would suck for me but wouldn't accomplish anything at all with regard to bootlegging. Also, with those compact cameras the sound and picture quality when shooting video pretty much suck anyway, I can't imagine the short clips they can record being worth anything on the bootleg market. I think the most important thing you can do to stop bootlegging is to make sure nobody manages to get a camcorder in.

I also think in and out privileges are a pretty big deal. We're talking about an event that lasts 7+ hours each night depending on how early you get there. Not being able to leave at all would be a pretty big inconvenience. And really, I'm not sure how much difference this would make on bootlegging; if they can smuggle it in once, that's really all they need. I understand you may need to be a bit more thorough on searching people but I think that's OK, certainly better than losing in/out privileges.

BTW I fully expected to have my camera bag searched on entry this year based on the policy you posted here a while back, but they never did ask to search my bag all weekend even though we went in/out multiple times.
Yeah this is total horseshit. I saw one guy come in with a video camera, just holding it in his hands... 2 minutes later though he was walking back out. I laughed at him. I will definitely be on the lookout because the in/out feature is just huge at something like this. Just to go out and get some air is awesome, but being able to bail for a bit for food or drop off your loot at your hotel/car is freakin great. Do what you gotta do though Glen, I for one am cool with anything except stopping PP :)
That would certainly suck if a couple of people ruin it for the rest of us. I have no problem being patted down everytime I walk through. None at all, but it should never have gotten to that point. Glenn, please know that 99.9% of the ProgPower attendees do appreciate what you do and do not take advantage of the situation. I say let them pat us down and if we see any bootleggers we can lynch them on stage between sets. Talk about entertainment!!
First off I want to thank Glenn for another great weekend, and....

The raffle for VIP passes which me and my buddy Greg/Evil were lucky enough to win. Thank you for the opportunity, Glenn, it was great to get those extra perks this year. Even with these perks, we honored and respected what was asked and required , as should anyone that attends. If it wasnt for Glenns hard work, we wouldnt even be able to meet or see these great bands over here.

I totally understand the frustrations , as its mind boggling why people cant just follow some super simple rules. Its amazing how many scum just wanna make a profit off of others hard work, and dedications. That being said unfortunately if the in/out priviledge is takin away, I will be passing up my gold badge next year. I now its not a big deal as someone else will easily snatch it up, but I cannot stay in that atmosphere through 10 bands. My hands sweat something fierce, and for the amounts of merchandise I buy, I need that in and out feature. Im all for bein patted down everytime, thats not a problem. But sadly I need the ability to come and go as I please. Its good to be able to get some fresh air to especially since I am a non smoker. I hope these things can go into consideration.

Again Im all for limiting signed stuff and pat downs on the way in, but that once in the venue stay in the venue possibility is a no go for me personally.

Sorry for the bullshit you have to endure Glenn, I hope some of the positive views/comments, help to outweigh the bad stuff if even just by a little bit. Most of us are extremely appreciative of everything you do for this great festival. You have all the respect in the world from me, and I thank you much for yet another wonderful 3 days. You rock!
Is it just me or was security super-lax this year, non GB holders coming and going as they pleased? I am all for pat downs/ searches..... i expected it this year....The ability for GB holders to come and go is key as it is a smoking allowed venue... i had to go outside a few times just to be able to breathe the smoke was so fuckin heavy not to mention not get raped on buying shitloads of bottled water.Personally i have a small digicam with a/v capabilites but i never use it for 3 reasons 1) the recording blows , 2)id be lucky to get a minute or so with all the pix i usually take, and 3) ITS AGAINST THE RULES...

and as far merch goes... if he could find a secure area to sotre the $100+ stuff id buy then ok..

id hate to have a few bad apples fuck it up for the rest of us who respect the rules and Glenn.
lol Do whatever ya want its your show :) I was just a Dumbass country boy that was happy to be there. I dont care about getting autographs so that wont effect me ... security could pat me down a thousand times they wont find anything ... and the only reason I had my Backpack with me was I was a half hour late getting to the show so I had to go in to find Bryant because I was stayin with him and his wife and had no clue where the Hotel was ... on a perfect day I would have left the bag there and not had 50 pounds on my back all night, all I want to do is see the show and buy a Shitload of cds :) Thanks for ProgPower Glenn its the best time I ever had!:headbang: :wave:

I totally understand your reasons. Hopefully you will still allow back packs. Since I don't carry a purse, I kept my still camera in a small coffin shaped back pack. I wouldn't mind someone looking through it to make sure that I was able to take it in. I have nothing to hide, but again if you decide to forbid it, well then, I will abide by the rules.

It sucks that some people have to ruin it for others. Damn them!

Thanks to Glenn & the Earthlink Live for the lights on the stairs! The tales of the Steps of Mayhem are behind us! :Spin:

As for the patdowns, I'd be okay with that... It would cause a major traffic jam at the doors and 90% of the time there's a few precious moments before the next band for me to go to the car/hotel and back, just barely making it. I'm all for patdowns in necessary situations, for instance if there was a history of violence or drug abuse at the venue during ProgPower, but not just because a couple jerks wanted to make a fast buck. Since the patdowns are soley because of the bootlegging issue, perhaps we could just have a camera inspection line instead. Perhaps, if someone wants to use a camera, they could have a different colored wristband after their camera has been inspected. If they get caught using any kind of camera without the wristband that means their equipment wasn't inspected. Then those of us that don't have cameras wouldn't have to wait in the drastically-long line that would inevitably be between every performance. We would have the regular wristband and be able to enter without a pat down. Maybe a patdown would be necessary since I could always sneak a camera in the evening that I didn't have in the afternoon at the inspection, but then I STILL wouldn't have the appropriate wristband, so I MUST go through the line when reentering at that point. Of course, what if someone gets one camera inspected, leaves, comes back with a video-recorder?? Well, that's when we make it mandatory that only the camera-carriers go through the inspection line each time. Those that have a non-camera wristband don't need to wait in the in inspection line... they have nothing to be inspected. Maybe it's not a fail-safe idea, but it might actually deter the bootlegging better than just a patdown on everyone. Who knows. You're a smart guy, Glenn, you'll figure out the best way to handle the situation. I get irate with bootleggers and definately do not want to be hindered or late to a show because of them.

Autograph lines - they do need to go faster, certainly! I'm usually detered from partaking because the one time I did (Edguy at PPIII) I missed an entire set of another band just to end up with signatures from only two of the members. If the lines went a little faster, I'd definately like to join, but not at the cost of missing a performance since all of the bands at PP are awesome! Like Daybreaker mentioned, it's not the number of items so much as it is the people who send a day and a half up there. Granted if I wait through that line I'm not just going to say "Hey", have them sign, then take off. I'll tell them the show was great, I really like ______ song, and maybe ask for a picture if there is a member that I'm particularly fond of. You can't bet on the bands being accessible at any other time of the fesival than the signing session. It's a toss-up on what to do with this situation too.

As for in/out priviledges, I would serously reconsider attending the festival every year if I can't come and go. If we can't go in & out then we ought to have a coat-check/merchandise-holding area (which is still scary! Who wants to leave $200 worth of cds with a total stranger?! I've seen too many movies.) and we should be allowed to bring our own food since the Vinyl is not adequate for feeding ALL of us ALL of the time. Seriously though, we're there for so long each day. I go back to my hotel room about 3 or 4 times a day for everything from getting more cash to grabbing some contact solution for my eyes. Point is, I love ProgPower because it's very condusive to the needs of everyone in attendance. I sincerely hope that doesn't change.

Glenn is a good guy that is obviously concerned with some big issues. I trust that he'll make choices that are best for everyone involved to keep PP the premiere metal festival in the U.S.!

Tammy Z