Expendables II

I'd say Expendables 2 was awesome, but thats because I think of awesome as a crazy over the top fun badass thing. Those movies you listed were great/amazing etc because they were actually quality movies, whereas Expendables 2 is just ridiculous fun action. Any serious attempts at dialogue were stupid as hell, some of the jokes fell seriously flat (especially the arnold 1 liners) but a lot of the one liners/unintentionally funny jokes were funny and jean claude van damme? THE SHIT. whoever thought to put him as the lead bad guy deserves some praise for that, because he actually seemed evil and into it and it came off really well. seeing him being completely fucking evil was awesome, and when he busted out some mad kicks i can't deny it was sick as hell.

in terms of an actual movie/quality? 6/10. in terms of an action packed fun adventure with lots of famous dudes kicking insane ass and having some funny situations? 9/10. better than the first one for sure and pretty good, but you have to take it for what it is as a joke tongue in cheek action movie and not a serious movie like Terminator 2 or something.