Experimenting with harsh vocals ever change your voice?


Feb 22, 2007
For a long time I did death growls and black metal screams just fine. But I decided to explore around and see if I could do goregrind style gurgles. I found this thing I could do with death vocals that would occasionally make a gurgle type noise, but it happened 1/3 times and I never knew how long I would hold it.

Then one day it suddenly just came naturally to me and I could do it as much as I want and hold it for as long as I can hold my breath. Only problem is, since then I've been completely unable to do decent death growls. I can produce weak ones that aren't that deep, but every time I try to make it deeper or more powerful the gurgle effect comes back. Anyone have anything like this happen, or know what might be up? Gurgling is fun, but it does make my throat sore after a while, where growling was completely pain free for me. I only wanted to use gurgles once in a while for fun, not to be my main vocal style.
This does happen. I've known quite a few people (myself included) that had the same problem. I used to be VERY deep in my growls and one day I decided that it was not what I was looking for and I traded the ultra-deep vocals off for mid-ranged and more dynamic vocals over time. For a bit I actually forgot how to do my old style, but I just re-trained myself. Sometimes the vocals can be habitual if you focus on one thing only too much. I still don't ever record the super deep stuff but I'm pretty sure I can get it back if I tried