Exporting stems to be reamped elsewhere.


Jan 21, 2010
How do you all usually go about doing this? I'm using Reaper, btw.

Let's say I have all my guitar and bass tracks for the songs on the EP edited the way I want them.
Now what to do? Name and export each separate file (drum bus, guitars, bass) to a folder for each song then put all of them in a zip folder to send them off?

What's the best/easiest way to do this? I'll be sending off my bands EP in a week or so and I've never done anything like this before.
"Render track to stems" for drumbuss/bass bus (if you have both dirty and clean bass channels), and consolidate tracks for the individual guitar tracks?

I have never done it myself, but that's how I would do it.

Edit: Probably rename the files to "Guitar L.wav", "Drums.wav" etc. to be more clear. Then zip them up and send away.
That what I was thinking, but I want to see what the big guys would do if there was an easier way.
Make sure all of your effects are disabled in reaper.. Then select the tracks you want to export..


File--->Render-->Render "Stems"--->Render Multichannel tracks to miltichannel files

Then you're done.