Exporting vocals from Guitar Hero


New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2009
Hello everyone

First of all a big thumbs up to this site! I'm new here. Allthough I have only discovered this community recently I have allready found a lot of usefull things. It seems everyone here is happy to help eachother. :)

Some time ago I was reading a thread about someone that extracted the vocals from a Guitar Hero song. With the vocals I mean just the singing part of the song. Unfortunately I forgot to bookmark the topic and now I can't find it anymore.

Now my question is, how can I extract the vocals from Guitar Hero? I'm pretty sure Guitar Hero 4 uses master recordings for all the music files.

I googled a lot, also did a lot of manual searching here, but no luck. I hope I'm posting this in the right section here. If not, could any admin move me to the right section?

Btw, I'm asking this because I want to record my own version of Paramore's Misery Business. If anyone has a different source for the vocal file, feel free to respond here or pm me. :)


You aren't going to get an answer for that on this forum.

Let me put this different. Someone posted a topic about his mix on these forums. He extracted the vocal file from a Guitar Hero song and recorded everything else himself. In the comments some people asked how he got the vocal file, and he explained it. Stupid me didn't bookmark the page and now I can't find it anymore.

Im quite sure somehow here knows how it's done.
He was referring to the fact that it is not exactly legal to do that(If I remember correctly). That is why nobody will publicly answer......

Ah, I see, didn't think of that one yet. Thought it would be perfectly ok since I own Guitar Hero. Heck, I even own the original Paramore cd. :)

But still, if there's anyone out there that can help me, I would really appreciate it. Since there might be a possible legal problem, a pm would also be really helpful!