Century Media - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon
A difficult band to categorize as us reviewers love to throw labels around all the time, Extol play metal that is experimental, technical and at times it feels like its like a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces should not and do not fit together but Extol confidently plows on and Synergy is the end of result of a band not afraid to take chances and explore the unknown.
Complex time signatures are thrown around all over the album. Featuring odd drumming beats akin to jazz compositions and slithery guitar melodies that remind of a couple of Canadian death metal bands such as Martyr and Quo Vadis, Synergy will just drive you nuts in appreciation of how exactly these guys are doing this. Extol even has a moment to strip everything down and provide us with the hauntingly beautiful acoustic-piece Aperture.
Vocally the singing alternates from the hardcore style to a clean style done by both a male and female (Paradigms). Just like the chaos of the music, the singing is also extremely varied with the clean vocals at times being dissonant and with three members (David, Peter and Ole) all handling the duties you get to hear different tones and ranges that only enhance the experience. Also am I the only one that hears shades of Schmier of Destruction in 26 Miles to Marathon?
Extol have definitely provided a complex and challenging album with Synergy. Definitely not for everyone but those feeling adventurous and wanting to take part of this strange ride just fasten your seatbelts!
Century Media Website
Extol Official Website
Century Media - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon

A difficult band to categorize as us reviewers love to throw labels around all the time, Extol play metal that is experimental, technical and at times it feels like its like a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces should not and do not fit together but Extol confidently plows on and Synergy is the end of result of a band not afraid to take chances and explore the unknown.
Complex time signatures are thrown around all over the album. Featuring odd drumming beats akin to jazz compositions and slithery guitar melodies that remind of a couple of Canadian death metal bands such as Martyr and Quo Vadis, Synergy will just drive you nuts in appreciation of how exactly these guys are doing this. Extol even has a moment to strip everything down and provide us with the hauntingly beautiful acoustic-piece Aperture.
Vocally the singing alternates from the hardcore style to a clean style done by both a male and female (Paradigms). Just like the chaos of the music, the singing is also extremely varied with the clean vocals at times being dissonant and with three members (David, Peter and Ole) all handling the duties you get to hear different tones and ranges that only enhance the experience. Also am I the only one that hears shades of Schmier of Destruction in 26 Miles to Marathon?
Extol have definitely provided a complex and challenging album with Synergy. Definitely not for everyone but those feeling adventurous and wanting to take part of this strange ride just fasten your seatbelts!
Century Media Website
Extol Official Website