

Sep 3, 2002
Brussels/ Belgium
Someone mentioned this band not so long ago, saying that people who like Opeth might like etc. etc. Well, I picked up Enslaved's "Below the Lights", and although I think it isn't a bad album (where it shines, it most definitely rules!), I reckon it carries on repeating once too many times. Extol, on the other hand, are great! Downloaded some stuff from Synergy. So should I pick this album up? Or should I get something else?
Undeceived first (more melodic than prog. death metal)
then Synergy and Burial is also good (death metal with some black influences)
the EPs are also good
i JUST got home from picking up Synergy. and i must say it is absolutely incredible. the first track (grace for succession) is simply amazing. even though extol has christian influences, they are still great musicians. i went to one of their shows earlier this summer and they kick ass live!
ucsbdude said:
Wait, so they sing about God and stuff??
uh sure dude, i guess you could put it that way. yes, in some of their songs there is mention of "god and stuff." but if you're mature enough to get over that, you should discover a pretty wicked band.
who cares if they sing about god, every fucking black metal band sings about satan [hell, just about] and noone complains about that.
Apparently you guys arent familiar with early immortal?

anyway...i was kinda thrown back by a comment i read of funeral portraits in this thread...he said "even though they have christian influences, theyre still great musicians." Ok, im a bit confused as id hope you kids can imagine. How does one have "christian influences"? Like they prefer the early experimental, psychadelic christian material, to their newer more "pop" sounding christian music? So christianity has an influence on the metal you write? or being christian keeps you from being a proficient musician? or the music is bad due to them being christian? or it probably couldnt be good metal if theyre christian members making it? In any case...i hope someone can clear this up for me. Im not christian or anything, i just really had no idea a religious belief system would have anything to do with ones ability to play a musical instrument.:erk:
uh, i guess what i meant was that in previous threads people have said dumb things like "extol sucks because theyre christians" or "extol cant write good music because their christians." im simply saying that their beliefs do not affect the quality of the music.
Get Mastodons cd Remission, it slays big time! Their drummer is simply incredible (one of the best Iv ever heard actually) and the music is very riff based (great riffs!) and with the drums "all over the place" :Spin:.

Just download for ex Workhorse and Ol'e Nessie and if you like them I think you will love this album.

(Ps If you havent listen to Lamb of God plz do yourself a favor and listen to their incredible record "American Gospel". Download "Subtle arts of murder and persuasion" It kicks ass! and so do the whole record.