Extol vs. Opeth

Jun 27, 2003
Someone once mentioned in a messageboard that they believed if anyone comes close to measuring up to Opeth, it would be Extol. Now...I'm a fan of Extol and all, but I dunno if I really agree with that. What bands do you think could ever come close to Opeth?
In my opinion Extol never comes close to opeth. Their songs are very complex and interesting but theeir songs have no atmosphere and the riffing is totally different.

Bands coming close to opeth.....hmm.......perhaps Dark Suns a little bit....but only some of their songs
Bands close to Opeth are Disarmonia Mundi, Dark Suns and maybe The Provenance. The Old Dead Tree are a bit similar too...
Extol is a bit similar to Death....
Awesome! Nobody comes close! There will always be people trying to compare em to these underground acts that only a handfull of people have ever heard. Nobody comes close in my book and nobody ever will because Mikael just seems to be a world apart from everyone!
DreamingofUr is obviously a dope.

anways comparing Extol to Opeth is like apples and oranges, but I'd take Extol for sheer number of album spins. But they're too different to compare. Extol is just as (if not more) talented though.
Children of Flames said:
Bands close to Opeth are Disarmonia Mundi

Do you know where I could hear more of these guys? I forgot how but I have one of their songs on my hard drive (Burning Cells) and it's really amazing and I would like to get more. Do they have an album or a website or anything?