Extra Songs

"Love Bites" a Judas Priest cover
"Chances Three" apparently an early demo track, but I may be wrong
"All the Cowards Hide" an extra track from the PoE recording sessions

All the Cowards Hide is awesome, Chances Three is a nice little acoustic song, and Love Bites, well, bites. I hate Judas Priest, though, so others may love the song.
I do love their version of Love Bites, although I appear to be one of the few, All the Cowards Hide is on the Believe in Nothing EP. I have no idea about the Chances Three song, would like to hear it though.

...Why don't you just buy the DHIADW box??

Spend some time tracking it down. I bought it a while ago, straight off the shelf.... In AUSTRALIA beleive it or not, in a normal CD store.

It's got brown cover art instead of blue, and the the cd is brown too, it's great.
It's the DHIADW cd in a small box, it's kindof like a digipack, yeah.

It's just DHIADW with three extra songs, and a brown cover and cd...
Originally posted by metalized
It also has three or four postal cards. Huh, trapped and poison god?

Indeed it does! You are the man Metalized. Anyway, All the Cowards Hide is one of my favorite Nevermore tracks. Excellent chorus.