Meaning of songs!!

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Lukas Klein

I hope some of you can help me. I want to know the meaning of the following songs because I don't know it. The songs are:

1. Deconstruction (Album: Dreaming Neon Black)
2. Evolution 169 (Album: Dead heart in...)
3. Believe in nothing: (Album: Dead heart in...
4. Inside four walls (Album: Dead heart in...)
5. Dead heart in a dead world (Album: Dead heart in...)

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I know Inside Four Walls is about a friend of Warrel Dane's named Lance who was set up by the cops to get busted with seom drugs and hegot 11 years in jail i think. i mght be wrong about the number of years. and the guy hasn't even heard the song because hes not allowed to. and if the cops didn't set him up he would never have been in this shit. thast what I know.

and evolution 169, no one really knows. people on this board have tried endlessly. i heard that the 169 is some sort of important number in chaos mathematics. also, i think that 169 was a number in some sort of book and the book has something to do wit hth lyrics, but i'm basically spewing out nothing here because i only THINK that it is from a book that a friend of mine read and then ws informed of some sort of connection when talking about this song.

I don't know about the other ones. some of the guys on the board, like LSD and Trapped and Metalized, would know.
Narcosynthesis- therapy using narcotics to enable the patient to recall and relive painful experiences and minimize their hidden effects.

i don't know the story behind the song ifhere is one, but if you know this definitio nof the word and you read th epyrics they tie in nicely in my opinion.
Narcosynthesis is an excellent term!

Actually it is two words:
Narco = State of hibernating
Synthesis = Composition, Creation

WD's lyrics were always ones who require explanation and can take more than one!
Narcosynthesis is when doctors treat patients with narcotics pretty much.
I read an interview where Warrel said what it was about, don't remember exact words, but basically it's about when people do this to themselves, selfmedicate themselves, whether with alcohol, heroin etc to escape problems in your life 'what are you looking for?' what do you get?

that's what Warrel said, something like that
Originally posted by PoisnGodMachine
Narcosynthesis is when doctors treat patients with narcotics pretty much.
I read an interview where Warrel said what it was about, don't remember exact words, but basically it's about when people do this to themselves, selfmedicate themselves, whether with alcohol, heroin etc to escape problems in your life 'what are you looking for?' what do you get?

that's what Warrel said, something like that
I ll take your word for it!:grin:
If you read the interviews on the site, ( ) Warrel explains a lot of the songs.

If you read on the inside of The Politics of Ecstacy album, it says:

"A young man named Christian Martenson is serving a 10 year prison term in the state of Arizona. He was set up by an undercover DEA agent over a two year period while following the Grateful Dead. Without the DEA agents involvement it is likely he never would have comitted the crime he is currently incarcerated for. Rapists and child molesters are serving shorter prison terms than people like him. The system is failing. Free Christian Martenson."

So, it talks about Warrel's friend who was put in jail for drugs. It says in an interview he wasn't a dealer or anything, he was just caught by the DEA agent.

Inside Four Walls is talking about this injustice. How more violent criminals are spending less time than Warrel's friend, a drug abuser. In part of the song you can hear Warrel say something along the lines of (I'm not listening to it right now, so I'll quote from memory) "In America today, typically drug offenders do more time than rapists, murderers, and child molestors. Is this justice? Is this the American way?"

Warrel's own words about the meaning:
Warrel: That song is about a friend of ours. The whole band is friends with this guy. He's in prison now for about ten years. He was arrested for drugs. He wasn't a drug dealer but he's gone for a long time now and the thing that makes me so angry is that there are people who commit violent crimes, that commit armed robbery, that commit rape, someone who's molesting children. These people will get out of jail before him and I don't understand why. And the only thing I can do to express the rage and the feelings I feel is writing a song about it. And hopefully that can make other people in the US think about the problem and realise it more. I mean, it's never going to change, I don't think, because the people are not in control in the US. They never have been. We pick the President and that's about it. Maybe people will think about it more, and that's the only thing I can hope for that song because it's a very negative song.

So basically, if you read the lyrics, and compare Warrel's explaination, it makes sense.

Warrel is being pretty secretive in terms of an explanation for Evolution 169. He did mention, however, that the name is indeed from something to do with chaos mathematics.

Dead Heart in a Dead World, I'm not too sure on.

Believe in Nothing is discussed in this interview:

Deconstruction I don't have a clue about.

Narcosynthesis (Yes, you guys are correct about the explanation of the term Narcosynthesis...) There is a bit of an explanation in one of the interviews, I'm just too lazy to find it right now.
The whole DNB album is a concept album about this relationship that Warrel had with some girl and I'm pretty sure that the album is about losing her. There's a whole story about it, and I'm sure that everyone has already read this, but I didn't look through the rest of the posts, anyway, check out the interviews on the page. You'll find your answers there.