EXtremely Vulgar Dialouge. ONLY THE STRONG MAY READ!!!!


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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I am shocked, speechless, that someone could actually have this opinion.. I am <|Turtles|Donatello> and the Yngster is |Turtles|Shredder, this comes off #|turtles| in mIRC... Only the strong should read this...

<|Turtles|Donatello> Mike portnoy
<|Turtles|Donatello> is the most
<|Turtles|Donatello> overrated drummer
<|Turtles|Donatello> in the industry
<mob-krebbs-> nono nononononononononono
<|Turtles|Donatello> Symphony X blows them away IMO
<|Turtles|Shredder> LaBrie
<|Turtles|Shredder> SUCKS
<|Turtles|Shredder> HE SUCKS OMG HE SUCK
<|Turtles|Donatello> they're more technical, have better collaboration
<mob-krebbs-> the singing in both of those bands is the worst shit ive ever heard we can all agree onthat
<|Turtles|Shredder> labrie, sucks
<|Turtles|Shredder> no way dude
<|Turtles|Donatello> Labrie is the WORST singer I've ever heard
<|Turtles|Shredder> Russel Allen pwns!
* mob-krebbs- has left #|turtles| (note he leaves)
<|Turtles|Donatello> next to Lemmy
<|Turtles|Donatello> dude
<|Turtles|Donatello> what a
<|Turtles|Shredder> dude he just fuckin dissed russ!
<|Turtles|Donatello> dude
<|Turtles|Donatello> im posting that
<|Turtles|Donatello> on the symx forum.

to recap:
I am Donatello
the Yngster is Shredder
some guy is Krebbs..

I say we find where this guy leaves, and beat him w/ a stick for a while..

Reactions, I am simply stunned..

EDIT: After he leaves, I say next to Lemmy [Motorhead].. im referring to LaBrie, not Russel, I couldnt insult him in that way, and the order of the posts could have confused you... ]
I worry less about people who don't like LaBrie and Allen than I do about people in channels about ninja surfer turtle dudes. ;)
I don't really get the point to this thread...so the guy said Russ sucks...big deal. People can have their own opinions. I didn't think the guy was so out of line. Actually you two guys sounded more critical and immature than he did. Urinalcakemix, its actually a relief to check your age and see that you're 14, because thats about the age I'd expect to see something like this come from, so I'll cut you some slack. But heres a news flash guys: people are not gonna like everything you like! And honestly, I couldn't give two fucks about some guy saying Russ and LaBrie suck from a ninja turtles IRC chat.
Um... who cares that he slammed Russ? You slammed Portnoy and Labrie, both of which are really good in their own right. I think Russel owns, too, but the guy has a right to his own opinion. And the fact that you were ripping on DT members makes you a hypocrite.
I withdrawl my second post and second my first post


Now that's some maturity form a 13 year old,:D hey!
The Metal Chick said:
Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I can't help but have trouble understanding people that don't like Russell's voice. I read a review of V today and it kinda ticked me off. I admit that I am biased towards this band, but I don't understand such harshness in critiquing. You can read the review here:


Oh my, I really don't know what the f**k is wrong with this dude!
It makes me sad. Well, it's his opinion, but I don't like it....