Ey Everybody I need some advice

If some brilliant mind hadn't gotten rid of the search function, "noobs" could just do a search for the countless recommendation threads this forum is barraged with every week.

edit: oh, and Burzum...just Burzum
Well thanks for everyones help. but my friend likes slipknot..and avenged sevenfold..but he also likes heavier stuff like extol...and he got me into lamb of god...extol is good in my opinion..and i like atreyu, dont kill me :(
Crimson Velvet said:
You shouldn't look at it from a black metal standpoint, but from a heavy metal standpoint. It has got some pretty headbang worthy tracks.

It also has possibly the worst line in the history of metal "Antartica!!! Its drama will unfold!!!"
Crimson Velvet said:
I'll forgive you if you decide that Bathory is better than all the bands Erik posted, though... ;)
Well that's by default isn't it

I just kind of namedropped the first really cool bands I thought of at the moment I made the post
I REALLY don't fucking understand this influx of newbies. I've never encountered this in all my time on this board. The month of July has been a plague.
Gallantry over Docility said:
It's called "replacing GoD with JP as moderator" iirc
more like "god posting links to general music discussion on various shit boards so as to fabricate an artificial influx of shit posters and then lay the blame on JP and say hey look deron it was much better when i modded" am i right?
GoD hates Jean-Pierre because he doesn't share the same passion for Fullmoon and At The Gates.
For a nubcakes this should start you off;

Death Metal
Morbid Angel

Black Metal
Dodens Grav said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT: Oh shit I thought GoD posted this...nevermind.

you suck

i don't hate jean pierre (though jean pierre can suck my balls) like i hate DERON, that hypocritical degenerate double standards shit administrator search function stealing bible bashing nignog faggot
Man I wish you had the excuse of being 13 or 14 still so I could simply say "grow up" and laugh you off... as it is though, well, just grow up :) . Your new name from here on is Gerber Boy.

Now step away from the computer and go eat some more pie that Mommy made you.