Looking for some actually good metal.

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Leiland said:
Give him a few mega bands from each genre, the main ones anyway, and if he starts adding the word shit to other bands as he did opeth, then we can rip his eminem hockey fag face off, or just do it now...., can some one tell me wtf that phwoar imoticon is supposed to be....???? seriously its fucked

yeah man fuck yeah :rock:
Personally i think your all full of shit. Some of what i like may be "pussy metal" yeah but at least its got a fuckin tune. give me a break. Im all for stuff like The Black Dahlia Murder, Dillenger Escape Plan, but shit like that you can only take in degrees. It's not something you wanna listien to on your spare time.
Rockout926 said:
Im all for stuff like The Black Dahlia Murder, Dillenger Escape Plan, but shit like that you can only take in degrees. It's not something you wanna listien to on your spare time.

Go to the thread where you talk about music you like. Dodens just put a lot of good bands there.
Ok if everyone could take a break from tellin me how much my music taste sucks, id appreciate that for one, for 2. im willing to listien to what you guys got to say cause i am gettin kinda tired of my taste in music because ive been listienin to it ever since my friend turned me onto it. So please, your advice.
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