EZ drummer w/o expansion? your best results?


Dec 29, 2011
Sorry guys need help w/ez drummer.
If anybody has or is still using ez drummer. what's the best sound you have squeezed from the basic ez drummer w/o expansions?
any advice?

If you EQ and compress the bejesus out of it you can get something passable but not great. Try parallel compressing the snare and maybe even the kick, and high-passing and low-passing at the appropriate places while sucking out the muddy resonances like you would any other drumkit. See if you can find a freeware trigger VST and try mixing in some other samples with the snare and kick. It won't have any chinas, which sucks, but you can use it in a pinch.

also, what viralz said. It's $39 on Amazon right now, which is half the normal price. It's unbelievably worth it. You barely have to EQ anything.
Metal Machine is still only $34.99 on audiodeluxe.com

If you don't have $35, I would do like that guy (pointing up) said and grab a trigger program, some free samples from this forum, and start blending.

I can't recall any free trigger programs off the top of my head...

It's really really easy to pop the samples in by hand, especially if you're on a grid (I'm assuming you are since you're programming the drums :D)
I guess you could also probably use KTDrumTrigger (free, senses drum hits and sends midi notes to a midi channel) and send the midi notes to something like the free Kontakt player to play the samples.
Splatt from here, got some sick sound out of it back then , he did a test and i was impressed how good it was.
Loads of comp+eq, parallel stuff involved for sure.
I need help w/ez drummer. I would love to have the expansion metal machine etc.. but right now I'm stuck with just the basic ez drummer rock kit.
Any suggestions on how i can mix and improve the sound of ez drummer.

here is what it sounds like dry!! nothing.
Ok here is how my ez drummer sounds like.

no efx.. dry

sorry the Toms weren't used much..
any ideas on how i can improve ez drummer?
I appreciate any advice.

We literally just told you, SAMPLES.
Sorry if I am being harsh, but it doesn't look like you read the posts at all.

Route the drums to their individual tracks, IE Kick, snare, toms 1 and 2, etc. Trigger samples. Profit.
Not harsh.. thanks for your response and advice. I'll give it a shot.

We literally just told you, SAMPLES.
Sorry if I am being harsh, but it doesn't look like you read the posts at all.

Route the drums to their individual tracks, IE Kick, snare, toms 1 and 2, etc. Trigger samples. Profit.
There is a free kit trigger but it depends on OS and you will have to learn how to use it because EZ drummer it is not! it is called KT Drum trigger.

There are also two free demos out there: apTrigga2 demo and another .... Don't know whether I should really saying this but Slate Trigger EX is available as a demo but with a very limited but extremely amazing sound set, you don't have the option to save anything but, just for that session, you get an idea of how good it it.

I was going to get Platinum Trigger myself but I got an SDx xgrade plus The Metal Foundry at 50% of usual price. Often though, with my previous point being a big example, alot of these drum softwear producers and resellers do some great deals. There are loads on at AudioDelux at the moment and some of them are electronic download so you save on postage, VAT, import duty and I can think of no better use of a certain $35... Metal Machine!

Othere than that dude, use the multiple outs and the 'Route Out' setting and tweak away. The link in my sig has a song that I used the basic kit on EZ drummer for, I'm not saying that what I did was great or anything and furthermore, it is a track I did about two years ago with next to zero knowledge (not that I have much now). All you need are some basic drum mixing knowledge which can be found anywhere really. There is an English article on the 'Sound on Sound' website with lots of information on how to mix extreme metal. Just google 'Mixing Extreme Metal' and it's there ... simples... You just have to realise you have got to work with what you have got and make the best of it.