question about EZ drummer, compressors


Jun 23, 2006
I was wanting to know what is the best compressor to use with DKFH samples in EZ drummer. I am still trying to get my recordings good but I just get annoyed. Maybe you guys can give me some tips. If you want to listen to my music I have posted one song on myspace. but by no means am I adverstising for my music I just want help in getting a better sound. Thanks in advance you guys.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all the EZD libraries already EQ'd & compressed?

What is it that you're annoyed by?
well I turn off all the compression because i think it sounds bad. I use a seperate multiband compressor on the bass and snare drum. I think it sounds pretty good after that. But still I'm annoyed because I think I'm doing something wrong because my song still doesn't sound professional to me. I am still new at all of this so maybe you guys can tell me what I should fix on the whole thing. Just listen to it on myspace on the link i provided on the first post and tell me what i need to fix to make it sound more professional.
Erm...the EZD libraries are pre-processed (i.e. you can't turn off the compression) so am not sure what it is you think you're turning off but they "print" the eq and compression as the product is supposed to be "mix ready" saving the user from a lot of processing of the sounds during mixing. At least that's how it's supposed to work in theory.
He might be referring to the Compressed Room track in the mixer view. All I've been doing lately is using APTrigga to replace the snare and kick with some much thicker sounding drums. The snares are really thin in the DFH EZX, and the kick isn't exaclty ideal. The toms and oh's, ride and hats though I like very much. Heh...

yeah thats what it is elephant. Doesn't matter anyway I'll figure out how to get better myself. You can't ever get any kind of real help without someone talking down to you like a smart ass. So I'm done with asking for help.
I think you'll find this place is very helpful. I don't think anyone was talking down to you either....and you've kinda answered your own question in the end :D

Practice, research and trying different approaches is what will help you get better results.