Fa Cup

Ah but scousers don't support the red shite, they all support Everton. RS fans all live in Buckinghamshire and Somerset.
Originally posted by Moon Child
Having Scouse blood myself, all I can say is


:lol: go moony :lol:

Bucko: Nice work! Tell me you had money on that result !!!! Please dont say you picked it and didnt bet on it! :eek:
Well as Evertonians always say..."better dead than red". Most of us are actually quite serious about that too!
Most of ya toffees are serious, the rest are considering becoming reds coz they want trophies not a relegation battle every year...... hehehehehehe

Originally posted by Ducks
Most of ya toffees are serious, the rest are considering becoming reds coz they want trophies not a relegation battle every year...... hehehehehehe

Hahaha not quite. If our financial situation wasn't so dire we'd be up there getting trophies ourselves....oh well. Actually the less serious toffees would still be willing to go through torture before becoming a red, even if they would not be prepared to die! :)
Oh for fuck sake, i am getting about all the soccer i need for an entire lifetime over here . Last night we had about 20 english soccer hooligans staying at our hostel. They were seriously the biggest bunch of wankers i have ever had the misfortune to meet.
They were saying stuff to the locals and us like 'we are english have some respect' They also called aussies ' fu<kin sothern hemisphere C**t's' how could they expect anyone to respect a bunch of pissed middle aged wankers who come home at 4 in the morning and start singing at the top of there voices. then almost started a brawl with everyone else who was not english.
Im sorry if you guys like soccer but i can't stand it over here.
I'm not scouse, but my Dad's side of the family is. Dad was born in Walton hospital, and his family lived in Maghull most of the time I think. Grandpa used to get a lift to matches on the back of our keeper's motorbike in the 30s. :)
A Scouser (capital "S" if you don't mind, Kem), is someone from Liverpool in the north of England. Most of the people oop thar speak like the Beatles or Dave Lister from Red Dwarf.
A most intoxicating accent, I could listen to it for hours :).

For the record, I'm not much of a soccer fan. Scrabble anyone?

Them scrabble brawls can get pretty nasty as well, Wrath. What with all those little plastic tiles being thrown around, you could easily lose an eye. Or a J. Losing the Z isn't so bad though. Just make sure you check down the back of the couch when it's over, and the vacuum bag after the next house clean. They make a bit of a rattle going down the pipe, so you're sure to notice. The plastic tiles that is, not the eyes. They're a bit more squishy, and get caught up the top of the nozzle, where they're hard to get out.

Well, I'm glad I got that out of my system. Sorry for wasting your time. You can get about your lives again now.
Originally posted by Bucko
Spawn .Come to think of it no I bloody did'nt what a clowns arse I am .

:eek: course you know that next time if you DO bet you wont win, isnt that how thise kinds of things always work?