Faith No More

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Carc: Very believable too, although I've seen better ones as well. Some really do make you wonder. Ghost documentaries on Discovery rule though, actually.
Carc: Very believable too, although I've seen better ones as well. Some really do make you wonder. Ghost documentaries on Discovery rule though, actually.


As a man of science, and a sceptic, I refute all the "ghost" evidence I have seen.

That aside, I still find it interesting.:kickass:
Ghosts are much easier to prove than God however, I'm fairly certain that my experiences with ghosts are real.
I think the only merit in making a language more phonetic is that those challenged by mental exercise will have a much easier time, especially when they are coloring in pictures at the center for backwards children.
If you believe in ghosts, that means you believe in an afterlife.

An afterlife? No Life after death ... yes. I don't believe in this "Heaven" or "Hell" concept ... rather reincarnation.

Do tell.

I have never had an explicit paranormal experience, but I often feel supernatural presences.

It was a few years back, actually I don't remember how long ago this was but it was important enough for me to remember it. Me, my mom, and my sister were living in a homeless shelter (One of those whole 3 months of staying and you leave deals) because we had recently left my father, makes me think I was around the age of three now actually (reliable age, perhaps not the mind does make up things but I'm fairly certain of what I saw.)

Anyways this homeless shelter was built on the same ground that the form MASSIVE mental asylum Eloise used to exist on, and by it two of the gravesites that were used to bury the workers and the inmates. (Inmates were buried nameless, given nothing more than a number)

Several nights, while in my room, I would see this black figure around my ceiling the size of a man but just floating there like a mist hanging around, yet solid. My room was never completely dark (this was built off of Michigan Avenue so there were constant cars driving by) so I could see that the figure was not some weird thing with the blinds or whatever, and it felt like it was just staring down at me and I could hardly ever sleep. For some time about a month I had gone to sleep simply by not being able to stay awake, it seemed about 2 weeks it was like that, then I was able to deal with it and sleep. Though I never was comfortable, nor did I feel safe.

Now 13 years down the road, find out my mother had the same experiences in that place and just 3 years ago I had begun to learn about Eloise and the sick experiments they did to their inmates, and honestly it is a tad eerie thinking that a ghost of one of the tortured was in mine and my mothers room.
It was a few years back, actually I don't remember how long ago this was but it was important enough for me to remember it. Me, my mom, and my sister were living in a homeless shelter (One of those whole 3 months of staying and you leave deals) because we had recently left my father, makes me think I was around the age of three now actually (reliable age, perhaps not the mind does make up things but I'm fairly certain of what I saw.)

Anyways this homeless shelter was built on the same ground that the form MASSIVE mental asylum Eloise used to exist on, and by it two of the gravesites that were used to bury the workers and the inmates. (Inmates were buried nameless, given nothing more than a number)

Several nights, while in my room, I would see this black figure around my ceiling the size of a man but just floating there like a mist hanging around, yet solid. My room was never completely dark (this was built off of Michigan Avenue so there were constant cars driving by) so I could see that the figure was not some weird thing with the blinds or whatever, and it felt like it was just staring down at me and I could hardly ever sleep. For some time about a month I had gone to sleep simply by not being able to stay awake, it seemed about 2 weeks it was like that, then I was able to deal with it and sleep. Though I never was comfortable, nor did I feel safe.

Now 13 years down the road, find out my mother had the same experiences in that place and just 3 years ago I had begun to learn about Eloise and the sick experiments they did to their inmates, and honestly it is a tad eerie thinking that a ghost of one of the tortured was in mine and my mothers room.

I've never had that kind of thing happen. But sometimes in my house (which someone allegedly died in) unexplainable things happen. Once I was in the kitchen I had put this jar of something on the counter. I had closed it real tight. I look back a few moments later and it's on the edge of the counter and the lid is almost completely open. Sometimes I hear some small, barely audible poundings around. It aint a house noise either.
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