Faith No More

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Eh, I ain't afraid of him. (I'm assuming it's a him, if he is more than a figment of my ever restless mind). I do not fear death nor the supernatural.
Once when I was 14 my friends and I had a seance and we lit candles and put Venom and Onslaught album covers all around the room and called the devil himself to appear. And lo and behold he did and it was scary. True story.
I only thought I heard and saw ghosts when a child so think that ghosts are probably not real. I think it's more of peoples imagination. I use to also see things move around on my walls and also see very detailed 3d lines form into weird insects. I would try too close my eyes to make them go away but could still see them when my eyes were closed so it was almost like I was being consumed by lines forming creepy things. I use to see spiders crawl on my ceiling(big ones)
Because at a certain point did not see or hear ghosts and have not for years so think it was just my imagination as a kid.
Ah, perhaps the mind of a child is more able to see the things we call ghosts, though I don't really know. I still have an occasional experience.
An afterlife? No Life after death ... yes. I don't believe in this "Heaven" or "Hell" concept ... rather reincarnation.

It was a few years back, actually I don't remember how long ago this was but it was important enough for me to remember it. Me, my mom, and my sister were living in a homeless....
... just 3 years ago I had begun to learn about Eloise and the sick experiments they did to their inmates, and honestly it is a tad eerie thinking that a ghost of one of the tortured was in mine and my mothers room.
Many cases turn out to be cases of extremely high levels of magnetic activity at that particular place, which interfere with the electrical signals running through the nurons in your brain.

Many scientists believe that the same theory holds true for the Bermuda Triangle as well.
i believe in ghosts

I actually had a paranormal experience quite recently. My lights had recently gone out due to some electrical work being done on the power lines on my street. I was at home with family, and I saw a figure of a ghost. My little brother was walking in front of me and I could see a clear figure of a ghost behind him, but it was mostly a face I could see it didn't really have a body.

Also I have had experiences where I have heard clear voices when just walking up. One terrifying experience was when I could hear a cackling, like the sound of the devil when I was in a half asleep state. Kinda scary. I was a little scared but after that I put on the Hypocrisy album Obsculum Obscenum :kickass: on my headphones :kickass:
Once when I was 14 my friends and I had a seance and we lit candles and put Venom and Onslaught album covers all around the room and called the devil himself to appear. And lo and behold he did and it was scary. True story.

That must've kicked ass.

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