Fan art


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2005
Here's my attempt at putting some visuals to Symphony X lyrics. 4 CG images rendered in Bryce 5 for the song "Incantations of the Apprentice":

Pt. 1A

Pt. 1B



Thanks for viewing!
Nice job.

I have several computer graphic books that I use to mess around. Since college they were tucked away in the closet. Your stuff inspired me to start again :)
deathslaadlord said:
Glad I'm inspiring somebody. Makes me wanna keep the ball rolling!

You actually should make an account on deviantart: . People can give comments about your work and watch you everytime you put something in your gallery. There are a lot of metal guys and gals over there as well. There are even Opeth, Dream Theater and other metal bands clubs. I created my own dev account as well. You can find the link in my signature. For example my latest drawing: . :D
LOL, I just started a deviantart account today. ;)

My first piece of art--well, I didn't really do it except for some creative icon arranging, but you can at least see how one of the Symphony X wallpapers is going to use (I did credit SymX on the description, of course!)...
Rose Immortal said:
LOL, I just started a deviantart account today. ;)

My first piece of art--well, I didn't really do it except for some creative icon arranging, but you can at least see how one of the Symphony X wallpapers is going to use (I did credit SymX on the description, of course!)...

that's funny :D

Thanks for the watch lol, I shall watch you back!
Medusa's eyes said:
You actually should make an account on deviantart: . People can give comments about your work and watch you everytime you put something in your gallery. There are a lot of metal guys and gals over there as well. There are even Opeth, Dream Theater and other metal bands clubs. I created my own dev account as well. You can find the link in my signature. For example my latest drawing: . :D

Wow! You are really great with drawing! A moving picture. I need to learn to draw. If I combine that with CG renders I could do anything! Also I do have a deviantart account but don't use it much. I also have a Zazzle account:


One place to pick up lots of views of your art is the:
Graphics Forums Gallery
My "Ghost of the Navigator" picture was accepted into the Spotlight gallery and now has over 7000 views last I checked.
Take care!
Wow an artsy fartsy thread! I feel at home now ;) I've done a bunch of SymX drawings (though Medusas Eyes blows me out of the water) you can check em out if you want at . I'm currently working on something completely different and unique - A Symphony X cross stitch. I wonder if anyone here even knows what a cross stitch is! o_O Needlepoint is SO unmetal, but who cares :p
LOL, I know what cross-stitch is. That'll be interesting to see how it comes out, to say the least. Are you using a metallic thread, or do they make those? If you did that on a black background, that might create an interesting effect...? BTW, there's one of your drawings of Lepond that I think is quite good. :)

Somewhat off-subject, I just got one of my own drawings onto The webmaster seemed to think I was a little bit crazy for making the drawing so dark, but I was kind of trying to imagine how the minstrel Ayreon himself would try to "envision" the scene... ;) Anyway, it's here. Make sure to view it at full size so you can see it clearly...
Yeah I also like this thread a lot. :D Finally we can see who's working on artworks. Nice to meet new artists! :wave:

lol God I thought there was something wrong with my computer because your Ayreon drawing was so dark Rose Immortal. Though I like your drawing a lot, like I have mentioned before!

Amanda, that's such a cool idea to make a Symphony X cross stitch! Does it work out well? I believe it's pretty hard to do... Good luck with it ;).

I'm currently working on the last portraits of the dear guys of Sun Caged. Probably finished by the end of the week. After that I will make a special drawing based on the song 'Wicked' by the band... you know :D.
Rose Immortal said:
LOL, I know what cross-stitch is. That'll be interesting to see how it comes out, to say the least. Are you using a metallic thread, or do they make those? If you did that on a black background, that might create an interesting effect...?

No metallic threads, didn't even see those at the store anyway. I used a computer program to create the grid and it tells me what colors to buy. The thing is gonna be freakin huge (i think i bit off more than I can chew), so it's coming along really slow. Your drawing is really neat btw :)

Nica, yeah it's real hard. But I like a challenge :)
The Metal Chick said:
No metallic threads, didn't even see those at the store anyway. I used a computer program to create the grid and it tells me what colors to buy. The thing is gonna be freakin huge (i think i bit off more than I can chew), so it's coming along really slow. Your drawing is really neat btw :)

Wow. The last time I did cross-stitch was late 80s, early 90s, and there sure as heck weren't any computer programs to create original designs! What do you do, just scan an image and it creates a pattern for you?

Even if you think you bit off more than you can chew, keep going at it. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results. So how big are we talking, here?

P.S., thanks for the nice words about the drawing. :)