
amf, your pictures are cool. I am personally making paintings of dark forests and things alike. I'm often listening to Vintersorg when I make my paintings. Although they are not inspired by Vintersorg particularly, I think that they quite fit to the music of the first few Vintersorg albums.

please check it out at
Wow, Hertog, those are amazing! I love landscape drawings, cause they really get my imagination going, and old pine forests are beautiful.

I have problems with painting both trees and skies, need to practice, and your paintings gave me a lot of inspiration. :)

Do you paint 'from your head' or from reality/photos?
And I must ask the for the same thing goblyne did. Any chance to see them in bigger resolution?
This is the second attempt to place a reaction(the previous one just vanished). Well, I do paint out of my head, but often use photo's when I no longer know how to make a certain thing look a little decent. I think that painting 100% from photo's is difficult and I also think that it has nice effects when you can actually see that it is not real. If you have once done something with the help of a photo, you can remember it and it automaticly changes a little bit towards your own preferences (the 'photo tree' had one rotten branche, I like rotten branches, thus your next tree gets 5 rotten branches and things alike). One other thing I often do is glazing, just paint something in black and white and then add a thin transparent layer of green for example.
Maybe I'll make an "extra" section on my website where I can dispaly larger images of some paintings(my mother just bought an expensive new camera). The other images were given the size to make them visible completely on an average screen.

anyway thanks for saying you liked my stuff, happy new year :headbang:
Hm.. I somehow missed your reply, Hertog.
But I work in the same way, looking at pictures for reference when I don't know how to paint something (but trees and clouds are so hard to paint.. :erk: )
As for fan art can anyone tell who made these pictures.
It could be Ildjarn himself but I seriously doubt that.

p.s. Especially this one is magnificent
amorpheus said:
As for fan art can anyone tell who made these pictures.
It could be Ildjarn himself but I seriously doubt that.

p.s. Especially this one is magnificent
If it's he who made them I must say he is much better at drawing than on composing music. ;)