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nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
You really need to check out Thronar. Their 2005 release (I believe their debut) is entitled "For Death And Glory."


They call themselves "battle metal," whatever the fuck that is, but trust me when I tell you that it fucking rules. Big riffing, epic keyboard-laden melodies (not cheesy in any way, shape or form), black/death vocals (more death than black, very reminiscent of Thomas from Thyrfing), and lots of headbanging. Ensiferum is the first band that came to mind.

Here's a track for you to check out:

"Gift From the Gods"
Speaking of Ensiferum, their demo collection cd is pretty good. Their albums on the other hand are much too glossy and generic.

I'll make sure to check out Thronar.
Dan, you really think their albums are glossy/generic?

Their s/t debut still ranks among my favorite albums ever, and I think the follow-up, "Iron," was badly overlooked. I agree it's not the most original music ever, but hey, it's great for what it is.
Tranquillian said:
Speaking of Ensiferum, their demo collection cd is pretty good. Their albums on the other hand are much too glossy and generic.

I'll make sure to check out Thronar.
ah glossy perhaps, but that's kinda what i like about 'em, each song is like a deftly placed kick in the balls...what's the demo deal like? rougher, i take it...
Yes I think the music is generic. It's hard for me to desceibe just in what way, but it's just a feeling of having heard it before.

The demos are imho more black metal influence. The guy that left Ensiferum and started Wintersun is a big Dissection fan apparently and some of that is evident in the demos. Hell I don't even know if the "95-97" cd or whatever it is called , is actually a demo compilation.
Tranquillian said:
Yes I think the music is generic. It's hard for me to desceibe just in what way, but it's just a feeling of having heard it before.

The demos are imho more black metal influence. The guy that left Ensiferum and started Wintersun is a big Dissection fan apparently and some of that is evident in the demos. Hell I don't even know if the "95-97" cd or whatever it is called , is actually a demo compilation.

You're talking about Jari (guitars); I'm hoping Ensiferum's sound doesn't suffer too much with his leaving. Also, they now have Norther's vocalist for the album that's supposedly coming out in 2006.

Anyway, the demo CD/compilation you're talking about is called "1997-1999" - here's a link to the metal archives page:
MadeInNewJersey said:
You're talking about Jari (guitars); I'm hoping Ensiferum's sound doesn't suffer too much with his leaving. Also, they now have Norther's vocalist for the album that's supposedly coming out in 2006.
urg, norther :ill:
guess we'll find out soon how it goes
"For Death and Glory" = best album title for a long time. This is some good shit. Not really my case because of the thick jollyfolk coating, but they're excellent at what they're doing. Speaking of battle metal, this beats Turisas hands down.