Fans that are very angry with Amon Amarth


New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2007
Pardon if I do not write well,because i don´t know english

I was a very special fan of you, but after the "INCIDENT" of the wednesday, now You aren´t my favorite band.
I was waiting that show for three years,I was to that concert to see you not to Dimmu Borgir.

This isn´t the first time that i can´t see a show for an "INCIDENT" , i´m angered for this reason, i hope it will be the worst tour ever, because you deserve it.

You could say another reason, it is the most typical.

in your page you write that: "we hope we can make it up to the fans who wanted to see us next time", and the money??, i spend 24,50 €,to see you and i didn´t see you. It´s like if you buy a very good car and then the seller give you a bike

Thank you for nothing,


Translate it:

Escribo en mi idioma por tocaros los cojones,
Llevaba esperando vuestro concierto durante tres años, con toda ilusion fui a la sala Joy Eslava, alli vi un cartel que ponia que se cambio de sala el concierto, me fui corriendo a la otra sala y alli me dijeron que no tocabais por que se habia roto el camion (¿No existe el alquiler?). Con toda la rabia del mundo, me toco ver a un grupo que no habia pagado por ver.

Espero que aprendais mejores escusas, ya que esto pasa mucho en españa, espero que tengais el peor tour posible, es lo que os mereceis, ya que jugais con las ilusiones de la gente. Estareis felices cuando os emborracheis despues de vuestro proximo concierto, pero no deberia de ser asi, deberiais de estar avergonzados.Lo que mas me jode es que he malgastado mi dinero en una panda de cabrones sin verguenza, que se la suda la gente que les da de comer.
¿Mi dinero quien me lo devuelve? Gracias por engañarme durante tantos años.

Nota si alguien puede traducir esto por favor que lo haga

Hasta nunca

PD: seguramente hallais perdido vuestro mejor fan de toda España, y supongo que mas de uno como yo estara disgustado con vosotros, si es asi y esto lo lee alguno de ellos, que se dirija a vosotros como yo:puke:
In Spain it happen a lot it isn´s the first time and not the last

Listen. If you think we rather spend the WHOLE FUCKING DAY on a bus wanking off instead of playing a show in front of 2000 people, LOSING MORE MONEY than we already are on this tour since we STILL have to pay for the broken bus + crew and have no income that day since we don't play the show, well then I'm sorry but you're a fucking idiot.

And for your info, the "last time" we were supposed to play but didn't, someone posted that we were playing before it was confirmed by us. In fact we didn't even know we were announced playing.

edit: And obviously you can't get the money back for the show since it was a Dimmu Borgir show, and they did play.
@Weburn, it was an INCIDENT. Like Johan said, they couldnt help it. Good job of making yourself look like a complete idiot, an good job proving how good of a fan you are/were. Someone with at least a bit of a common sense would have understand that it is NOT the band's fault, shit happens.
Weburn. You got to be the worst retard alive. Hahaha, the worst post ever.
You lost like 24 Euro, well so sorry for you. Do you have any clue how much money Amon Amarth lost bcos of this?
haha i wish fredrick said bad things to me, its an honor haha, im jealous, but weburn, say anything to the band, and i swear to god, i'll go to madrid and kick ur fuckin ass, bitch, anyone messes with amon amarth, messes with me, KAPEICH, or what the fuck u use for understand.

What a fan.

"I used to like you, but now that something completely out of your hands happened and I couldn't see you live for the price of a band t-shirt (Seriously dude. 24 euros? Hardly going to have to rob a bank to earn that back) and so I hate you"
Well ... this type of grievance wouldn't happen if you were on the guest list like me ... see you in Orlando. Watch for the redneck wagon cruising I-4 at the speed of lightning and stuff ....

" Odin! Guide our beer, our jager, pabst blue ribbon and pot pies, guide us through redneck counties that git 'er done and in brutal redneck stomp"
belgar how did u get on the guest list. i already got my tix anyway just curious.

And yes, Weburn u ARE a dumb cunt. belittling a band for problems beyond their control is just asinine, and can't be justified under any circumstances
Posts like these make me sad! I hardly know any other band that is touring as much as AA (in fact none comes to my mind right now)... so I guess they REALLY want to play the shows .-)

Please go ahead and google "Zadar" and "Amon Amarth"... then think again about the crap you've posted, Weburn :puke::puke::puke:

I feel sorry for every real fan who's been there, though.
I mean Fuck, i wouldnt turn around and say "FUCK YOU AA!" if the Aussie tour got cancelled, sure, i'd cry myself to sleep for months on end (nah not really........maybe a few days haha), but i wouldnt be having a go at the band for it. I mean, fuck you cunt, you're whinging about them cancelling a gig? Go to another fucking place to see them, you have the luxury of doing that, living pretty close to the heart of all decent gigs and all. Thats what i'll be doing when im living in Sweden & Norway, any AA gig within a few hour train ride or plane flight i'll be at.

Pull your head out of your ass man, that was the dumbest shit someone could have ever posted on this forum....or at least fucking close to it.

Oh and if you hate AA now and have any Pre- Vs. The World Shirts or hoodie and want to sell them, let me know haha.
Thank you for nothing
