Farewell everyone....


Oct 1, 2002
Rumson, NJ
yes, thats right, i'm resign from clan UM.... theres a couple reasons.... first of all, its just ultimatemetal.com itself.... i'm kinda growing sick of this place, and theres just more and more people that get on my nerves.... plus it takes up way too much of my time.... i think its time for me to pack it... second, i still will post in the tech/clan UM forum and stay in contact, but if i'm not really a part of UM i don't wanna be in clan UM.... i'm not gonna disappear from the site completely, but i will only rarely post on UM from now on.... (:grin: icon originally intended)

keep me on your buddy lists as "Sunlapse", and i might be "[0hr]Sunlapse" in the short future as I plan to join clan Zero Hour once i fufill all their requirements, their site is www.utzh.com ..... they've got stats for their servers which you can check out, and see that i constantly dominate in ONS ....

and hey, they are a social clan just like UM, so we could do some battles on their server for fun... you know, 0hr vs. UM.... that is if i get accepted of course. anything is possible....
Int said:
hi. nothing is happening with clan UM so i'm going to a different clan. i dominate at onslaught
[QUOTE=TrevJ]Clan UM's overall skill level just dropped big time. [/QUOTE]no, no, no, please don't misunderstand.... it has nothing to do with whats happening with UM or the skill of UM at all.... we're a social clan and i enjoy playing with you guys. it has nothing to do with any of that, its the www.ultimatemetal.com site itself. i really don't like this site anymore, i'm growing tired of it, i'm just growing less and less fond of the whole metalhead attitude in general, theres great people here but even more assholes, it takes up too much of my time, etc.... and because i don't wanna post at UM anymore, i figure i don't belong in UM. thats all.
That's fine Sunlapse, I was only kidding. I still play regularly so I'll still play with you when we're both on (though I'm away for two weeks starting tomorrow :O )
Sunlapse said:
i'm kinda growing sick of this place,

i'm not gonna disappear from the site completely, but i will only rarely post on UM from now on....
You have made 72x the amount of posts I have in a couple of months less, at current rate, if you were to never post again, I would maybe catch you at my 166th birthday. If I made it to 166, I would probably be sick of this place too. Mind you, I don't have any intention of living so insanely long.

And oh yeah, I will add *Sunlapse to my buddies list. I actually saw you on a server the other night, however you were playing on a server with a map that I don't have. And thats pretty prohibitive with dialup when you have to download the thing, so yeah. But hopefully I can catch you again some day when I have a more better connection, or actually have the map.

Best of luck in the future. Will run (or walk) into you on the tech forums if you post there I'd say.
I am afraid that there has come a time for me also where I will be leaving clan =UM=. I have enjoyed every second that I have played under the tag for the past couple of months, however the time has come to depart, even if for now, I might always come back in the future.

The problems for me are probably quite apparent, I am much better off in a clan local to at least my country, where I get a good ping and time zones sync up with each other so I can even play in the occasional comp or scheduled friendly game. Never done this before and it sounds like great fun. And of course there just does not seem to be many people from the clan playing at the moment, certainly not in the hours that I am usually playing.

So if you still want to find me on the UT2k4 servers, put a *Kanyon in your buddies list, as I plan on being SiN.|Kanyon very shortly. As a side note I will remain using =UM=Kanyon on a Rpg Invasion server to keep my stats.

For now it is farewell, but who knows what the future holds. Maybe this clan will come back to life with the release of UT2k5? I'll be in touch.