Farmakon in spanish radio


Jul 1, 2003
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last night in a radio station (that it´s heard in all the country) they put one song from Farmakon's last album, I can't say you what song was because it was the first time I've listened to the band, so I can't remember the song title. Anyway it was fine, nice growls and good acoustic passages. Listening to the song I thought in Opeth, but this isn't a bad thing, is it? :tickled:
|ngenius said:
Farmakon kickin' asses on Radio Tele Taxi?

:tickled: :tickled:

Farmakon kicked asses on a program called "Rock Star" in one of the most important radio station of the country (Los 40 Principales), something like "the main fortys". Oh my god, my english is too bad :loco:
Downfall said:
Excellent! !:rock:

Hopefully, many beautiful senoritas heard it... ;)

I'm sure a dozen spanish metal chicks has seven simultaneous orgasms from the vocals. :p

I have to say, though. The first time I heard Farmakon I thought "how did these guys get Mikael Akerfeldt to growl for them?" Then the clean vocals kicked in. :lol:
"Rock Star"?!?!?!? Mariano Muniesa supporting Farmakon?!?! I seriously doubt that would be a good point for the band, it is more a defaming campaing than anything else. Everybody hates it! But it is also true that "Los 40 Principales" is a big radio station.

@Downfall: Beautiful señoritas? The crowd listening to Rock Star are a bunch of teens adoring Stratovarius and Hammerfall. If it is worth... ;)

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|ngenius said:
"Rock Star"?!?!?!? Mariano Muniesa supporting Farmakon?!?! I seriously doubt that would be a good point for the band, it is more a defaming campaing than anything else. Everybody hates it! But it is also true that "Los 40 Principales" is a big radio station.

Yeah, I understand you, and it's true, he is one the most hated person in the spanish metal scene. I sometimes hate him, because he's an ignorant. I don't remember what he said about Farmakon, but it was something about thrash metal with jazz elements. This guy is not into this stile of music, I am sure that all the people who listened the growls they thought in Mikael Akelfedt, except he. I don't think that he knows who is Mikael.
:lol: We had an ignorant host in a metal-prog in tv. She, for example, said about Children Of Bodom: "Not a good black metal band, no masks or blood on-stage". That was a while ago and I'm not a fan of CoB, but still... :lol:

Well, they played metal in that tv-show, so I watched it. so the moral of the story is, that I don't think it can be a bad thing if an idiot radio-host plays our music. I personally don't care if someone starts hating our music from the start just because a jackass introduced it to him... :)
@Downfall: The question here is: is she good looking? It is preferable to count on a beautiful señorita with a sharp tongue (tossing pointless words out) than a male monster, don't you think? :rolleyes:

|ngenius (Not Mikael Akelfedt)
Not that good looking. I mean, that it would demand some fine booty to make guys like us stars... :lol: ;)