Farmakon sign to Elitist

Originally posted by Windom Pearl
Actually it means cure and disease at the same time.
[mode=smartass philologist]Cure that is poisonous when overdosed...[/mode]
Originally posted by Orchid
Coincidentally, I and Hearse have jokingly dubbed the guys "farmers." :p
Yes, and it's even worse than the "Medicine Men" that came first, I think... :lol:
Originally posted by Hearse
Yes and I bet you gonna get my "Farmacunt" as well :lol:

I wish everything good for you, and remember us with backstage passes ;)
Farmacunt - Tussu-Thales... :lol:

You can count on those passes (if you even need any...). And anyway, stop talking like we were about to vanish from the face of the earth, it's depressing... :lol:
What a great fucking tune, unreal. Farmakon are pretty much at the level of Eventide, but with better vocals (Marko is clearly a GOD!).

I couldn't be happier, you guys deserve this. See you on tour, and hurry up and put out a CD you bastards ;)

...stop talking like we were about to vanish from the face of the earth, it's depressing...

Don't forget us little people! Keep in touch with the board! :cry: :p :lol: Four album deal?! Sweet! You guys are siked. Congrats!

And celebrations,
I want the whole world to know that...

Uh, I'll leave it there.


Congratulations, guys! When I first heard Farmakon... what, like over a year ago now? I thought you had a brilliantly original sound and a deep pool of talent to draw from - that you've signed to Elitist, specifically, with Lee, feels like an achievement of this Ultimatemetal community, the realization of a dream. We're all (or at least almost all, I'm sure) behind you!

Make that album and take no prisoners!