

Sep 19, 2004
I heard this band is kinda like Opeth meets Mr Bungle. Anyone heard their debut 'A Warm Glimpse'? Know if it's worth buying?
mr bungle??


vocals are like opeth, music is prog jazzy death metal. to me - fucking brilliant

next album "robin" should be out soon
FUBAR said:
I heard this band is kinda like Opeth meets Mr Bungle. Anyone heard their debut 'A Warm Glimpse'? Know if it's worth buying?

Must've been me that said that... "Opeth meets Mr Bungle" - I think I said that to you in a thread once.

Buy a copy of "A Warm Glimpse", you won't be disappointed.

All vocals are fantastic, technicality is right up there, an excellent band.

If anything, they will be a force to be reckoned with in another album or so's time, this is a band to keep an eye on.

Disregard what anyone says, get this album.
I feel kinda indifferent about Farmakon.. I don't really like either vocals, but the jazziness in the songs is pretty cool.

I don't know.. download Pearl of my Suffering and My Sanctuary in Solitude, and if you like them, buy it if you can find it.
hmm....they are alright....the jazzy funky stuff sounds cool and is very cool idea to mix it with funk....but on the other many of the harder riffs are so boring, standard and predictable....